Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen🔥
Kai 💕
I know Pedro raped me but, I couldn't live with him being dead. I know he was wrong but he's Aurei's father ..
"I told you to stay in the car, Kai'ceonna. What are you doing?" I stood at the door as all eyes were on me. "I just .." He sighed, "This is business, you wouldn't understand."
"August, just don't kill him please .. for Aurei. He is her father." My face softened and he closed his eyes for a minute before looking back at Pedro.
Pedro looked my way and I looked at the ground, "She's mine?" he asked quietly making me quickly look up. "Aw man, this went from business to one of them damn them soap opera type moments my grandma be watching on TV." Cheeto said. We all tried not to laugh but no one could hold it, not even Pedro. I even bit my lip to attempt to keep from giggling. "Yes, She's yours. She looks just like you." I said looking up playing with my fingers.
I could tell August was getting a little jealous at the way we were talking but I was kind of a moment for me, wether he likes it or not. "I'm sorry, ka--"
"Bullshit. Bullshit. BULL-SHIT. Sorry? Fuck that buddy. You lucky she wants me to spare your fucking life cause if it wasn't for her your brains would have been spattered." August raised his voice higher and higher as he waved his gun at Pedro with every word. He looked furious, But for why? He's trying to apologize. "August, just chill out." I said but he wasn't trying to hear it, "Kai'ceonna, you sound like an idiot."

"Oh you mad .. I can still take your bitch?"
"Oh, shit." Cheeto said laughing, "This guy here. She saved your life and you trying to throw it back to August, you must not want it." August chuckled, "You want your life?" He just laughed.
"I'm calling the police." Everyone looked my way, "Ion fuck with 12." Cheeto & August said at the same, they laughed and sapped each other up, "This why you my nigga." Cheeto said. I shook my head at them and went on, "Since you want to be a smart ass, you might as well do the time for what you did." August was iffy about it at first but he did as I wished, we called the police.
They came and arrested him on the spot because he was wanted for many reasons, they say. August & Cheeto laughed the whole time. I was just happy to get in the car and go home.
"Why were you so mad?" I asked breaking the silence. "Are you serious?" I shifted to look at him. "Kai, that nigga fucking raped you! .. You know what you don't understand, fuck it." I did net know what else to say. The rest of the ride home was silent. We pulled up to his moms house where the kids were and he just got out and walked in before I could even take my seat belt off. I wanted to cry so bad but, I wanted to see my baby so I just sucked it up and went it and acted just as he did, like nothing ever happened.
"Hey Kai!" The twins smiled quickly running to hug me. "Hey girls." I smiled and grabbed Aurei from Na'Vaeh. "I misseded you so much, butterfly pumpkin cakes." The girls looked at each other and laughed, "Butterfly pumpkin cakes?" They thought it was so funny. We laughed a little but it was soon time for dinner. His mom threw down as usual and he put the girls to bed. I fell asleep with Aurei on the couch.
I opened my eyes to see The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air still playing on the TV as I had left it hours ago when I fell asleep. I tried to go to sleep but I wished to be in August's arms so bad that I could take it no more. I got up and laid Aurei in the middle of the bed in the room next to us. I stood at his door for a minute and just broke down crying, "August?" I whispered as I pushed to the door open and closed it behind me. He grunted and I slid under him, "Kai .. leave me alone." I didn't care, I wasn't going anywhere. He wanted me, now he's got me.
here you guys are 😘

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