Chapter Nine

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The Picture Above Is The Twins 😋😍

Chapter 9💕

August then smiled and grabbed my hand taking me back to his car. I really had a good time, which i hadn't had in a while. "So, you don't go to school?" He asked as he started the car and backed out of the parking space. I sighed, "I can't." He glared at me then, focused back on the road, And why not?"

"I'm 15, August. I have two years left and I'm barely making it now." I sighed, "I dont know." He stopped at his momma's house to get Aurei but, he just sat there. "It isn't worth your education." With that, he got out and went inside. I followed behind him into this big house. "Hey baby." his moma gave him a hug before kissing his cheek, "I miss you, where ya' been?" He put one arm around her, "I been busy, ma I'm sorry." I just stood there.

"August, gotta girlfriend mama!" A little girl with four ponytails came out of the kirchen. I laughed, "Oh, y'all this is Kai. She's just a friend." Another little girl that looked just like the other came in, "Mhm!" They were just too cute. "This is the twins, Heaven and Na'Vaeh. Don't get it twisted, they only 7." I laughed, "They're so cute."

August mom put her hands on her hips, "Well call me momma, girl. Alright, you're beautiful and Aurei is yours?" I was scared she'd question my age, "Yes ma'am." She smiled, I'll go get her, she's such a good baby." She went to get Aurei and I followed August into the kitchen. "August Anthony Alsina Jr.! I know you aint in my pot without washing your hands." I grabbed Aurei trying not to laugh. "Go wash your damn hands, boy."


His mom was really sweet but, she don't take no shit. I needed to get back to the hotel, it was only 11:30. I could make a litte money tonight. As we pulled up to the hotel, I thanked August for everything. "Thank you, August.." He smiled as I got out to get Aurei, "When am I gonna see you again?" I smiled, "Tomorrow, I gotta get some stuff for my new apartment and i could use your help." He watched me go up the stairs to my room and walk in before driving off. I didnt unbuckle Aurei because I needed Mrs.Rose to watch her for me. Luckily, I soon found Mrs.Rose and she was happy to watch my baby for me.

I grabbed my purse and began walking to the Red Carpet. I didn't run into any creeps, I sighed in rellef to myself and walked in. "Hey girl, where you been?" It was Candy, I guess you could say we were friends now. "Chile, taking care of business." We laughed, "Hey, you wanna go out with me an my girls this weekend?" I hadn't been out with just the "girls" in so long, I didn't know what to say. I could see Candy was a little older than me but, maybe it'd be good for me. I told her, "Of course, after work saturday."

I was soon my turn to hit the stage. Bunkin' - Chris Brown & Tyga came on and I went to work. Money everywhere, just the way I like it. I model walked off the stage to the back, "Bye, girl." Candy said as I counted my money, $5,000. "Yes." I smiled and walked outside the club. I stuffed the money in my bra just in case somebody tried to steal my bag and started walking. I had to go through the alley again but, I really wasn't stressing it until I noticed a familiar face coming my way,
I decided to do a lil' update.
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