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(I posted the epilogue too in case you missed it! Saying this because notifications get messed up when i post 2 chapters at once lol)


Again I just wanna thank everyone so so so so much for reading and voting and commenting. I loved seeing you guys interact with the plot and characters. It genuinely means the world to me. 🥺❤️❤️

Other than that, honestly I'm not happy at all with how this book turned out, but still I enjoyed writing it soo much and I'm so happy to be able to share with you all. As always, I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone! Maybe I'll rewrite it someday and make it a little better now that I finished its first draft. 🥰❤️

I don't know if you could tell, but philosophy inspired the hell out of this book lol 🙈 I got the idea when I was studying the subconscious/conscious/preconscious mind during my senior year in high school. I remember being so fascinated with how the majority of our trauma is tucked in our subconscious mind and I was like 'imagine if we can give our subconscious mind a blank plane to solve its own issues on omg' and then I wrote a book about it a few years later lmao.


If you have any question about absolutely anything (plot, characters, something you didn't understand...anything) then ask me here and I'm ready to answer!!


I usually ask for feedback when I finish a book, so if you want and if you have time on your hands, let me know who your fave/least fave character was, your fave/least fave scene, your favorite pair/duo (doesn't have to be romantic). If you have constructive criticism, throw it at me too! I'm always looking to improve 🥰❤️

Thanks in advance!


I have no plan for extras, but if you want me to write a bonus scene or something, let me know!


•Teenage Baby (psychological thriller): completed
•The Play (psychological thriller): completed
•Lies and Damnation(mystery/thriller): on going, weekly updates

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