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When the sun rose higher and the heat became unbearable, the four decided to leave. They picked their towels and clothes out of Leslie's beach bag and got dressed. Leslie waited by Aurelio's side as he put on his shoes, and Aurelio was a little too aware of her gaze on him.

He stood up. Matt was already at the end of the rocky path, kicking pebbles. Blair was beside him. They were chatting, even if Blair did most of the talking. This was the new arrangement, perhaps--Matt and Blair, Aurelio and Leslie. Each exploring new friendships, discovering new feelings.

But why now? Why did everything happen so suddenly? Why did Blair just now decide to notice Matt, and why did Aurelio's feelings just now decide to go all mushy around Leslie? This stuff had to have a timeline to them, progression. Nothing could happen overnight.

So what was the catalyst?

"So." Aurelio caught up with Blair and Matt. "What're we gonna do now?"

"Go home and shower," Blair said.

"Then sleep all day," Matt said. "I don't remember the last time I woke up so early."

Aurelio's shoulders slumped. "We're not gonna do anything else today?"

Everyone stared at Aurelio for a moment, startled. Rightfully, though--Aurelio had never been the planner, so the question was uncharacteristic. He'd hoped they wouldn't notice. But of course they did.

"We can plan something if you want, I guess," Leslie said, shrugging. "For now, let's go home." Aurelio nodded and moved along, following Matt and Blair, until Leslie tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to her. ", is it okay if I shower at your place? Because my mom doesn't know I came here, and if she sees..."

"Yeah, sure."

Leslie gave him this half-appreciative and half-ashamed smile. "Cool. Thanks."

The four walked along the sidewalk. Blair's mom picked her up about two minutes in, and the car drove off. Matt rounded a corner into his neighborhood. And then Leslie and Aurelio were left, standing at the curb. They had to cross the street now.

This should've been easier.

Aurelio shouldn't have felt this weight in his chest, and he definitely shouldn't have halted there, Leslie a step ahead as he stared at the asphalt like it was a demon.

Leslie stopped and glanced back. "Elio?"

Move, Aurelio told himself. Don't make a fool out of yourself in front of your crush.


Aurelio's eyes widened, anxiety put on hold. Crush? Did he just call Leslie his crush?

Even his brain didn't want to humor him anymore. He'd spend a minute worrying about this and its implications, except in that exact moment, a sound blasted near him: the furious rev of an engin, wheels screeching to a stop, spitting tar at the sides, so loud, so deafening, that Aurelio froze in his spot.

He screwed his eyes shut, shoulder jerking up, desperately covering his ear, trying to block the noise out. The world and his senses melted into each other--calm words mixed with wailing and screaming, skin blazing, all the colors blending, but black taking over.

Aurelio's DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now