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The early morning sun cast gentle light along the graves of Aurelio's parents. Dressed in all black, Aurelio sat on his knees between them, leaning his head on his mom's gravestone, breathing slowly. Peacefully.

This was the first time he'd visit in three years.

Straightening, he wiped the dried tears staining his cheeks with his sleeve. The air was heavy around him. Birds chirped in the distance, and when he looked up, squinting, the sky was blue and bright and the clouds were out and real.


This world was real. It wasn't stitched of Aurelio's subconscious and preconscious mind. It wasn't made of his denial, or ego, or memories.

He'd been released from the research facility only a day ago, and the first thing he decided to do was come here and seal reality. To brand it in his mind, however painful it was. As he looked at his parents graves, he didn't wish for things to be different. He didn't wish for himself to be dead instead, or dead with them.


Not anymore.

This desire to control fate, to control sadness, to control events in his life--Aurelio let go of it. It had fed his denial, and this denial had cost him three years of his life. He was done letting it take over him.

When he stood up and turned around, Matt and Leslie were waiting for him at the enterence, dressed respectfully in black as well. Aurelio smiled at them and approached. The two were silent at first, waiting for Aurelio to decide what to do next.

"Let's go," Aurelio said, sparing one last glance at his parents' graves. He'd been there crying beside them since the crack of dawn. Now he was too tired to stay. He'd come back later. He'd make up for his absence, for neglecting their graves. He had enough time for that.

Matt pursed his lips when Aurelio was close to him, then squeezed his shoulder. Aurelio gave him a grateful smile with his eyes downcast. The three walked out of the graveyard together. Leslie bumped her hand against Aurelio's, and when he glanced at her, she laced their fingers.

"I'm okay," Aurelio said.

Matt and Leslie looked at him.

"You don't have to be so quiet around me," Aurelio explained. "It's making me feel awkward. Don't you have any questions? About the experiment."

"We didn't think it's the right time to ask," Leslie said. "You told us the important things already."

"I'm not even sure what else I wanna know." Matt shrugged. "I'm just happy you're better now. That's all that matters."

Aurelio stared at Matt for a moment, and he remembered a conversation he'd had with him in his head. Then, without warning, he wrapped one arm briefly around Matt. Matt stiffened at first, startled.

Aurelio laughed.

"What?" Matt asked.

"That's the same reaction you had in my dream," Aurelio said, smiling. "The way you went all stiff."

"...Just wasn't expecting that."

"At least you kept your word."

Matt furrowed his eyebrows. "Not sure what you're talking about."

"In the experiment. In my dream, I mean," Aurelio said as he stepped back, "I hugged you and told you I feel like you'd claw my eyes out if I did that in real life. You said you wouldn't. And you didn't." Aurelio laughed again, but it was softer this time, almost a giggle. "My brain knows you well enough to anticipate your reaction to things."

Aurelio's DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now