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"We're officially done!"

I squealed as Lachie pulled me into a hug, spinning me outside the exam hall. Around us, students turned, sending us looks as they flooded out into the open air, but I didn't care. I was officially free.

"Freedom, at last!" Lachie cheered, setting me back onto the ground. "Let's go wreak havoc. Let's burn our notes and lab manuals to ash."

I laughed, waving my notes in the air. "I know our first semester is officially over, but as much as I would love to burn these notes, I feel like we'll need them for next semester."

"God, don't remind me that we have another semester," he groaned.

"And another after that, and another, and another..."

"Go to university, they said. It'll be fun, they said."

I rolled my eyes, whacking his arm with my loose papers. "You're such a dork. Don't pretend you aren't having fun. I see you, with your millions of friends on campus and parties every other night."

"Hey, that's on you for living off campus. Campus is where the fun's at." He paused to grin. "You know, because I'm there."

I scoffed. "Right, because you're such a blast."

"I really am," he replied. He shrugged his backpack higher onto his shoulders and turned to me. "So, what are your plans now that you're free? You down for dinner?"

He blinked at me hopefully, a charming smile pulling on his lips. I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm off to Shellside Bay," I said. "River's picking me up from here and we're heading straight down to the beach."

His smile faded with a nod. "Right. Of course. That sounds amazing. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself."

"Hopefully." I turned the conversation back towards him, suddenly feeling bad for turning him down for dinner. "What about you? Aren't you heading home for the holidays?"

Now that I thought about it, I'd never asked Lachie where 'home' exactly was. I knew he lived on campus, which usually meant home was probably too far to just catch a train or drive each day, but that was just an assumption. I had no idea where he'd really come from.

"No, not me," Lachie said. He looked away from me, a forced smile pulling on his lips. "It's—uh—a bit too far. My parents live out past Dubbo, actually."

I frowned. I knew Dubbo was pretty far from the city, but it couldn't be that far. It was probably just a few hours longer than a trip to Shellside Bay. Surely, he'd be okay with the distance for the chance to spend a month with his family—especially after not seeing them for so long.

He seemed to sense my thoughts because he quickly added, "Besides, I'm sure they've got a lot on their plate right now. I'd rather stay here instead of making the trip. More to do anyway."

"Right," I muttered. We met eyes and he shrugged slightly, as if waving the subject off. I couldn't help it. I felt sorry for him. Even if he seemed to have a lot of friends on campus, how fun could it really be sitting on an empty university campus all break? And how many of his friends would be leaving for home themselves?

He'd be here, alone, for weeks until everyone returned.

The words came tumbling out before I could stop them.

"Hey, why don't you come down to Shellside Bay with us?"

His brows furrowed. I resisted the urge to smack my hands over my big fat mouth. Had I really just invited him on a three-hour road trip with me and River? That would probably evolve into an almost month long stay with us?

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