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I sat in my chair with my lab manual open on the desk in front of me but my eyes decidedly far away. I slouched over the table, my gaze settling on a desk across the library.

A girl sat there, the same lab manual as mine open in front of her.

This was a sign, right? It was the universe telling me to go up to her—Talk to her! Make a friend!

And yet, I couldn't. How was I supposed to start the conversation? Hi, I'm Isla. I was watching you from over there and noticed we were in the same class. Let's be friends!

I sighed. This was all so pointless. Growing up in Shellside Bay, I'd been so focused on the downsides of knowing everyone in town that I'd completely missed the upsides—how easy it was to make friends.

It was like a town full of family friends. Back in Shellside Bay, I had a familiar face on every corner. I'd grown up around the same people. I knew every kid in my class—hell, every kid in my school, including the ones who had graduated years before me.

This—I was unprepared for this.

Suddenly, the girl stood from her desk and began walking towards me.

I started, sitting upright and smiling reluctantly. Maybe I wouldn't have to be the one to start the conversation after all.

She kept approaching me until she was right in front of my desk. I looked at her, lifting my hand to wave, when she kept walking.

I blinked, clapping my hand awkwardly over my mouth as she hugged her friend behind me.

I slumped further into my seat, covering my face with my hands.

Oh God, she hadn't seen that, right?

The pair giggled behind me, and I thought about getting up and just leaving. I'd decided to study in the library today instead of River's apartment on the off chance that someone would start a conversation with me.

That was a big mistake.

I grabbed my bag, tugging it towards me and shutting my lab manual. The blue cover was bright against the wood of the desk. I scooped up my pens and threw them into my bag without caring where they landed.

I was about to pick up my lab manual when a hand landed on the cover.

I blinked, looking up to find a boy with blond hair, longish, almost like Connor's, except a dirtier blond—almost brown. He wore a jumper with our university's logo sprawled across the front: UNSW.

I stared at him, half-expecting him to start marketing something to me, or start telling me off for something. Why else would he be approaching me here?

"You're in BABS?" he asked. I blinked again, speechless. He stared at me, his brow lifting, and I nodded quickly. "So am I. Which lab are you in?"

"Thursday," I said. I cleared my throat, forcing myself back into reality. "Thursdays at one. You?"


My eyes flittered over him quickly, taking in his lean body and casual outfit. He seemed familiar. I was sure I'd seen him in our lab before. He usually sat in the back, his face scrunched in confusion as he stuck his hand in the air every few minutes—questions always on his tongue.

His smile grew and he pulled out the seat in front of me, quickly sitting down across from me. "I'm Lachlan. Lachie, I mean."

A smile pulled at my lips. "Lachlan Lachie?"

"Oh, you know what I mean," he said, rolling his eyes. Up close, I could see how blue his eyes were. He was somewhat tanned, freckles staining his skin across his nose. I wondered if he was a Sydney native, or if he was from somewhere beachier. "And you are?"

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