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"Everett! My man!"

As Everett and I stepped foot into the apartment, we were greeted with blasting music and flashing lights. River was right at the door, a red cup in hand with sweet smelling liquid sloshing around inside. He tossed an arm around Everett's shoulders and tugged him away from me.

"Guest of honour is here!" he shouted into the crowd. A wave of cheers responded, strangers raising their cups and whistling for him.

"River!" I scolded, grabbing him by the neck. "What is this?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's Everett's going away party." He shoved his cup into my hand. "Drink."

I rolled my eyes, watching as he vanished into the crowd before taking a long swig and shoving the cup into Everett's hand. I screwed my nose up, the taste burning its way down my throat. Whatever River had mixed into the cup, it was already beginning to buzz through me.

"I'm sorry," I said once the taste passed. "I didn't realise he'd throw one of these stupid parties tonight. I'll go tell him—"

Before I could walk away, Everett grabbed my arm and took a swig out of the cup himself. He wiped his mouth with the side of his wrist and grinned at me.

"It's alright," he shouted over the music. His thumb rubbed over my skin and my heart swooped in response. "It's just his way of saying goodbye, you know? Let's just pretend we're on Shellside Bay and there's a bonfire in front of us."

His hold dropped to my hand, and he pulled me closer until our chests were almost touching.

"Besides," he said, "this is my favourite song."

The speakers were blasting a song I'd never heard of and judging by the way Everett bopped his head to the complete wrong rhythm, I guessed he'd never heard it either. Nevertheless, the way he nodded to the music and grinned down at me, I was beginning to catch his energy.

Relenting, I smiled at him. I had to admit, River's parties had always been dull without Everett, but now that he was here...

"I guess I could have a little bit of fun before you go," I replied. I took the cup out of his hands and swallowed the remaining alcohol. "But you can't get too drunk, or you'll be hungover on your flight."

Everett shrugged. "So, I'll sleep the entire flight. It'll be fine."

"You're going to sleep for a whole twenty-hour flight?"

"Do you know how many times I've flown out here, Isla? You're lucky my dad sold his soul to the corporate world and my grandma likes it when I visit. I've probably slept on a plane more than I have in my own bed. I think I can handle one plane ride with a bit of a headache," he teased.

I shoved his shoulder. "Well, sorry for living half-way across the world."

He caught my hand and leaned closer, his smile growing. "Hey, I never said I didn't like it. I'd fly anywhere if it meant I could see you. Even for a second."

I couldn't help it. My lips twitched and I fought a smile before rolling my eyes and pushing him away. "You're so cheesy. Let's get drunk."

I didn't know what River had put in the drink I'd downed, but I was already feeling more alive. We found our way to more alcohol—beer bottles and plastic cups knocking against our llips.

It didn't take long for the room to start spinning.

We stumbled through the kitchen, squeezing between dancing bodies and other thirsty souls. Everett blindly grabbed for a glass bottle, procuring an almost-empty bottle of vodka. He grinned at me, his entire body tipping as he poured it into cups for us, the alcohol swishing against the edges of the plastic.

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