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content warning: light smut in this chapter. stop reading after Isla takes her pills if you're not into that <3

The next day, I woke up to a loud knocking on the door. I turned on my stomach, pulling my pillow up around my ears. My alarm hadn't even gone off yet. The sun wasn't even up yet.

Knock, knock, knock.

It wouldn't stop. I groaned, squeezing my hands tighter around my head. I wasn't expecting anyone. It must have been someone from River's party last night—if it had even ended.

My head was already pounding with a hangover and this relentless knocking wasn't helping at all.

"River!" I shouted weakly, my throat sore from sleep and my voice muffled by my pillow.

Knock, knock, knock.


There was a creak of the door beside my room and the quiet thudding of steps in the hallway, passing my door and moving to the living room.

I closed my eyes, letting myself drift back to sleep.

"Who the f—"

My eyes flew open. That sounded like—

"What are you—"

There was a loud thud, and I was out of my bed. I tripped over my blankets and bedsheets, stumbling across my room and to the door. I ripped my bedroom door open, slipping down the hallway until the front door came into view.

"Everett?" I mumbled.

His eyes snapped to me. His expression was angry, his eyes narrowed, and lips puckered in a sneer. And against the wall—his arm was pushed against Alistair's chest, his other hand hovering dangerously above his face. He had Alistair pinned.

Worse, Alistair was half-naked.

"Oh, my God," I muttered.

"Isla, who the hell is this?" Everett asked, shoving Alistair more firmly against the wall.

"Who the hell are you?" Alistair shot back.

Everett's eyes snapped to his and Alistair shrunk back, his mouth slamming shut. Behind me, a door creaked open, and I spun to find River walking out of his room, tugging a shirt on.

He rubbed his eyes, half-yawning as he asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"Yeah, River, what the hell is going on?" I echoed, lifting a brow at him. I was steaming. My head was pounding, and blood was rushing through my body and he had the nerve to yawn?

Everett was here. Here, in the flesh, standing right in front of me. Except, instead of running to hug me, he was pinning River's fling against a wall, threatening to punch him through it.

This was all River's fault.

He froze, his hand dropping to his side and eyes settling on the scene before us. Everett glared at him, his arm still pressing Alistair up against the wall. Alistair looked like he was deciding between crying and laughing, his eyes wide and lips twitching in an uncertain smile.

"Oh, this is great," River said. He'd decided—his lips were wide, and he was chuckling lowly. He stepped closer, throwing an arm around my shoulders, and watching on cheerfully. "Please, continue. Pretend we're not here."

"River," I groaned, nudging him hard in the ribs with my elbow.

He winced but kept his arm firm around me. He flashed a smile at me. "Come on, Isla. This is the most entertainment I've had all week."

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