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The risen sun shone bright and filled the diner with its glorious rays and I shifted my body slightly. Zacky had fallen asleep on my shoulders and I still had my arm around him. I reached for my mobile in my pocket and checked the time. 7.34AM. I remembered that I had to go on the ‘Girls Only’ outing in a couple hours’ time and I have yet to get any sleep. I stayed awake the whole time with the help of two large mugs of cappuccino. I have been listening to Zacky’s rhythmic soft snores for about two hours and was glad that he was getting some sleep after the ordeal. I was about to place my mobile back to where it was from when it buzzed violently. Aunt Anna was calling and I answered the call immediately.

“Good morning, dear. How’s everything in the diner?” she enquired. I whispered my reply and informed her that Zacky was beside me, lost in dreamland.

“Oh! Well, bring him over! He can continue his sleep in Ian’s room. The guys will be on their way to the diner with me for breakfast and Maddy is still asleep. You can catch up with your sleep as well, Scarlett,” Aunt Anna suggested. I agreed with her suggestion and thanked her for everything. Aunt Anna then ended the call and I gently tapped Zacky’s shoulders to wake him up.

“Good morning Zacky,” I whispered and shook his shoulder gently. Zacky was quick to be up and looked at me in worry. He glanced at his watch and shut his eyes in agony. He had both his hands on his head and he was massaging it slowly. I went over to the counter to get a glass of warm water and a painkiller. I offered Zacky the remedy and he swallowed the pill immediately.

“I’m sorry for troubling you, Ska,” Zacky apologised as soon as he gulped the mug of warm water empty.

“I told Aunt Anna you fell asleep on the bench. She told me to bring you over so that you can continue your sleep,” I told him. Zacky nodded slowly and we made our way to the Hummer. Throughout the journey back to Aunt Anna’s, Zacky and I stayed silent. I was sure he was sober enough to remember what happened earlier but I believed the alcohol gave him the courage to pour his feelings out. I drove to a stop directly outside Aunt Anna’s and unbuckled my seat belt. I opened the truck door and was about to jump out when Zacky reached for my arm. I turned to look at him and he released my arm.

“All that you did for me earlier today, I appreciate it a whole lot. I will get my shit together and let the rest of the band know about Arianna. I promise you this won’t affect the prep for the concert and Ska, thank you very, very, much.” Zacky promised and I gave him a smile.

“It’s fine, Zacky. Don’t you worry about a thing!” I replied and motioned for him to get out of the truck. I pushed open the front door of Aunt Anna’s and scanned the deserted living room. Aunt Anna must have already left with the guys and I showed Zacky where he could continue his sleep in. He thanked me and opened the bedroom door and stepped in, only to rush out of it in a split second.

“Ska!” I heard Zacky called out to me. I turned on my heels and darted towards him. I asked him what was wrong and he told me to look inside. I stepped into the bedroom and my eyes widened in shock. Maddy was wearing what I believe was one of Royce’s t shirt and his board pants. She was soundly asleep on the vast bed and moved slightly when I knocked against the closet as I was making my way out of the room. I shut the door close behind me and had a puzzled look on my face.

“Maddy’s asleep in the room. Do you wanna take Alex’s room?” I asked Zacky in a hush tone. Zacky tilted his head and smirked.

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” he said.

I went to my room and brought pillows and a blanket out for Zacky. As I trotted down the stairs, I heard the familiar rhythmic snores and a small smile found its way on my exhausted face. I laid the blanket on Zacky’s body and slid the pillow under his head in a swift movement. Zacky did not budge and continued to snore. I trotted up the stairs and went straight to my room. I was more than curious about my discovery (Maddy in Royce’s and Ian’s room) but I told myself to leave it for later. Maddy was going to be up anyway. She’d wake me up by then. I thought and threw my spent body on the bed, shutting my eyes tightly in the process.

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