Three long years 281212

311 3 0

27 December 2014

Huntington Beach, California

“So having the opportunity to look at Jimmy’s drumset that close again was my favourite moment in Vegas! And I even managed to snap a few pics of it before we left the hotel!” I exclaimed and showed Aunt Anna the pictures of Jimmy’s drumset on my camera. I was surprised that I was able to speak about his drumset and Jimmy light-heartedly and not ended up crying like I would always do. I believed Huntington Beach has its effects on me.

“That’s really nice, Scarlett. Do you guys know the time of the service?” Aunt Anna enquired and I nodded my head. Dad had informed the members of Avenged Sevenfold that I would take his place in managing their concert in London in 2015 and that I would be there for Jimmy’s 5th Death Anniversary. Dad told me that they were excited to see me after so long and they informed him of the venue and time of the service.

“Dad informed us earlier,” I replied and Aunt Anna nodded.

“Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me, guys! Aunt Anna got a diner to run now! You can all go and explore Huntington Beach if you’d like but I’ll be expecting all of you at my diner for dinner, alright?” she exclaimed. We hugged her goodbye and Ian offered to walk her there.

“Alex and I wanted to check the beach out anyway, Gramps,” Ian insisted when Aunt Anna refused the offer. The three of them left and shortly after their departure, Felix and Royce were sprawled on the couches, lost in dreamland. Maddy was also feeling tired and decided to take a nap in the room.

I went to the living room and switched on the TV when I remembered that I have brought the DVD with me. I ran up to the room to find Maddy fast asleep on the Queen-sized bed and quietly took a brown envelope out of my backpack. I rushed to the living room and stood in front of the TV. I opened the envelope and took the DVD out. It was well-kept and it even had the red ribbon still attached at the side of the DVD. I placed it in the player and took Jimmy’s note out to read. I have not watched the DVD ever since I learned about Jimmy’s demise and somehow today, in Huntington Beach, something moved me to watch it. Something special.

Dearest Scarlett,

I hope you love this Christmas present! It is damn exclusive and you should feel honored! Haha! You know, the first time I caught you trying to lay your itchy hands on my drumset, I knew you were different! A good kind of different, of course. I enjoyed talking to you and I mean what I said about you being as awesome as your dad is! You’re talented and I believe in you! You’ll go far, Scarlett! I’m positive you will!

Take good care & keep staring at me while you’re watching this DVD. Haha!

I like you so much! Till we meet again!


I held the note to my chest and a small smile found itself on my face. I remembered the moments spent with Jimmy as I watched the DVD. Even though those moments were short, I cherished them with all my heart and I was glad I got to meet him. Jimmy was definitely right about one thing though,- I was indeed staring at him the whole time I watched the DVD.

As the credits rolled, I realised that I still have about an hour left to dinner. I stood up and kept the DVD back in the case and the envelope. I kept it safely in my bag and wore the trenchcoat Maddy got me as a Christmas present. I stepped out of the house and had the keys of the Hummer in my hands. I took the driver’s seat, configured the GPS to my desired destination and followed it religiously. It did not take long to get to where I intended to and I found myself parked along the roadside just after a ten-minute drive.

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