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"He's such a happy baby." Daphne said as we drove down the road back to Crystal Cove.

"Yeah. Less than a day old and already smiling." I chuckled looking down at my smiling son. His black hair had notes of red whenever the sun it just right.

     The drive back to Crystal Cove was a long one, but I enjoyed it as I got to bond with my darling boy and rest. I did ask Daphne if she would be his Godmother, and she was overjoyed. When we made it back home, Fred carried my luggage as Daph helped me inside. Her parents were there waiting for us and gushed over my son as I sat on the couch. Mr. and Mrs. Blake had practically adopted me as their own when they noticed how alike Daphne and I were in appearance. It made my heart swell that Hadrian would have someone to call grandparents. But my smile faltered when my phone rang, and I saw Paul my Starchild pop up on screen.

"Hello?" I asked answering it.

"Ava? Thank KISSteria. I wasn't sure you would answer." I heard Starchild's voice on the other end of the line.

"What do you want." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I just wanted to make sure you and Hadrian made it home safe." was the reply.

"We're fine. Thanks for your help when I was delivering him." I said before Hadrian started to cry. "Look, I have to go."

"Ava, I'm his father. Please. Tell me where you are. I want to be part of his life." Starchild pleaded.

"If you want to see him, then come to Crystal Cove for a paternity test." I stated before hanging up. Everyone looked at me with worried expressions. 

"Was that Starchild?" Velma inquired as I stood up and took Hadrian from Nan.

"Yeah, he's claiming to be Harry's father." I nodded before walking into the other room as my phone chimed. 

"He said he'll be here next week." Daphne called out as I closed the door to the nursery and lifted my shirt so Harry could nurse. 

Easing into to rocking chair, I hummed as I got the chair moving.

Sleep, little one, close your eyes
Your body's cooling with the night
Let your worries slip away
Tomorrow is a brand new day

Soft music filled the room as a softly glowing aura covered us both.

Shimmering moon and satin sky
Soft wind breathes its lullaby
Your dreams are here to set you free
The dawn will bring you back to me

The dawn will bring you back to me

After my son was done eating and deep asleep, I burped him and placed him in his bassinet before grabbing my breast pump and pumping the rest of my milk. No need for discomfort. Once that was done, I took the bottles back out to the living room to see Daph was the only one here now. Giving her a tight-lipped smile, I placed the bottles in the freezer after dating them.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Honestly? No." I sighed. "I ran into KISS, and they knew me. Not believing them, I walked off, but Starchild followed me and cornered me in the cornfield telling me this whole story and he even mentioned stuff that I don't remember telling anyone."

"Wow. Did anything else happen?" she looked over at me.

"He claims to be Harry's father." I stated.

"So that's why you told him to come here for a paternity test." she concluded.

"Yeah. Daph, I'm scared. What if Harry's father really is Paul Stanley. The Starchild of KISS. What does that mean for me?" I felt tears prick my eyes.

"I don't know." she admitted. "But I'm sure we'll think of something."

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