Christmas Gone Wrong

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"This is incredible." I said as we walked through the dark park. Couples and families were out as well enjoying the lights and music.

"I knew you'd like it." Paul chuckled as he ignored the looks, we were getting. "In all honestly, Christmas time is when the city is nicest."

"I can tell." I giggled as we approached the skating rink.

"Oh my God! It's Paul Stanley from KISS!" someone shouted gaining everyone's attention.

"Well, so much for a quiet evening." I muttered as a scowl began to form when people started crowding us. At one point, I started getting pulled away from Paul and forced back. "Hey! Stop! He's, my boyfriend!"

It fell on deaf ears. Eventually, I was spit out of the crowd and onto the ice where I slipped because of my heels. Crying out from the impact, I tried to get to my feet, but kept falling. Having no choice, I got on my knees and crawled to the edge, where I could use the wall to stand up and make my way back onto land. Cameras were flashing and people were shouting as I looked at the mass in front of me. Looking down at my clothes to dust off the snow, when I saw my pantyhose were torn and my knees were scratched up from the divots in the ice where people had been skating. Anger and frustration welled up in me. Flicking my wrist, my wand slid from the holster into my hand before I raised it high and used Periculum to launch fireworks into the sky. The burst of light and loud explosion of sound caused everyone to scatter, giving me time to put my wand away and run up to Paul before grabbing his hand and running into the park.

"He's running away!" someone yelled making me curse under my breath.

"This way." Paul whispered now taking the lead and turning down a dark path. My eyes watered from the cold air as we came out onto another brightly lit path. Not seeing anyone for the moment, we stopped to catch our breaths.

"I think we lost them." I panted bracing myself against my knees. 

"Are you okay?" Paul asked once his breathing evened out after he spotted my knees.

"I'll be fine. What about you? You were the one mobbed by fans." I replied straightening up.

"Not the first time that's happened." he sighed running his hand through his hair.

"Over there!" came a shout.

"Fuck." we cursed at the same time before running again.

"We should head deeper into the park." I suggested.

"Good idea." he nodded leading me down another path. 

     By the time we finally lost the fans, we were both a shivering mess. Taking my wand back out, I cast warming charms on us and collapsed onto a bench. Snow was falling turning the park into a winter wonderland. Paul remained standing and was keeping a lookout as I rested. Once my legs didn't feel like jelly anymore, I stood back up and took his gloved hand in mine. He looked at me and I couldn't help but start laughing. Paul's own laughter joined mine and we continued to laugh until our sides ached. Wiping tears from my eyes, I then reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. His chocolate brown eyes met my sapphire blue ones, as he lifted his hand to cup my cheek. I leaned into his touch and gave him a smile. He returned it before leaning down towards me. Rising on my toes, I met him half-way. His lips were warm against mine and tasted of the mulled wine from earlier. Reaching my arms up, I wrapped them around his neck as his hand slipped from my cheek before we wrapped his arms around my waist. My eyes fluttered closed as we stayed in that embrace, our lips dancing. We eventually broke the kiss and caught our breaths again as I lowered back to my heels.

"That was..." I softly started to say.

"Really nice." he finished. I nodded and leaned into his chest. We stayed like that for a bit longer before a yawn escaped me. "It's late, we should head back to the apartment."

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