Louder Than Life

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     I cannot believe I'm here! Right in front of the stage to see KISS at one of the biggest music festivals in the country. So many people and bands many of them favorites of mine. It was dark as the clock on my phone showed it was 9:40. The show was about to start. Movement could be seen behind the massive KISS curtain as a hush fell over the crowd. Suddenly the fast-paced thrum of a guitar broke the silence as the curtain rose to reveal the hottest band in the world. a scream of joy erupted from my throat like it did for many in the crowd as Detroit Rock City tore through the night. My eyes were bright with excitement as the bass of Gene's bass and Eric's bass drum pounded around me. But my eyes couldn't leave Paul as his incredible voice filled the air. I even almost swooned when he pointed in the direction of the part of the crowd, I was in.

"He's amazing!" I screamed throwing my hands in the air with my middle and ring fingers tucked under my thumb in the universal rock symbol. 

"I know right?!" a girl next to me shouted as Tommy began his guitar solo. I was seriously waiting to see Tommy start floating and glowing like he does in Scooby-Doo Rock and Roll Mystery.

     I knew the band didn't have powers, but my inner child couldn't help but hope they did. After their opening song, Paul talked to the crowd and riled us up before the band jumped into Shout It Out Loud and everyone went wild. For a band that has been around since the 70s, they are still really loved and adored. By the fourth song, the crowd surfers started up. One of the was dressed as The Spaceman and I had to double-take to make sure it wasn't actually Tommy Thayer. That was how impressive the costume was. Chaos was increasing and I started to worry that a full on mosh pit was going to form. At one point the crowd called for a pause as someone had fallen but because of the music, unfortunately the band couldn't hear but the issue was soon resolved.

"This is so fucking insane!" the girl from earlier exclaimed after we helped another surfer to security. I nodded in agreement and turned back to the concert in time to see Paul ride a zipline to a small stage in the center of the crowd.

     After Paul came back to the main stage, Gene did his blood spitting show and fire breathing trick before playing God of Thunder. It was just as thrilling as I had seen them back in 2019 at Indianapolis. As the show progressed so did the frequency of the crowd surfers. There were many times I was either kicked in the head or elbowed in the face. Bruises would surely form soon, and I was growing irritated at the crowd. It grew worse as the finale drew closer. 

     Between the press of the bodies around me, the loud music, the warm September air, the confetti, and the surfers I was starting to become disoriented and short of breath. Many people around me asked if I was okay and I waved them off as fine, not wanting to have to leave the show early. But unfortunately, it only got worse as the finale played. Cannons shot of copious amounts of confetti and streamers, the crowd lost its mind, and the surfers became endless. One surfer began to flail, and they ended up kicking me hard in the back of the head causing me to slam it into the barricade before crumpling to the ground. Feet began to trample all over me, and I barely caught a glimpse of a boot before it connected with my head. Stars exploded in my vision as the noise around me took on an echo. I tried and failed to raise my arms before another foot connected with my head again this time it felt like everything was shut off like someone flipped a switch as I couldn't see or hear anything. The only thing that told me I was still alive was the pain in my head and all over by body, but even that started to ebb and fade away until I was stuck in darkness feeling like I'm floating in nothing. Slowly I tried moving my arms and it felt like I was stuck in mud and very sluggish.

"What is going on? Am I in a coma? Dead?" I said aloud.

     The reply I got was silence as I floated in the darkness trapped with my own thoughts. Of course, I meet my end at one of my favorite band's last concerts. Tears filled my eyes as I curled up into myself as best as I could and began to sob. What would my family think, my friends? Work? I'm not even a Christian, is this my afterlife? Perpetual darkness and silence? Is this my punishment? I continued to cry my heart out not paying attention to glow that was forming behind me.

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