Raging Inferno

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"Oh wow!" I breathed looking out the window of the plane as it circled over Honolulu Airport. "The islands look amazing!"

"They sure do." Paul chuckled leaning into me to look out the window as well. "But do you know what looks even better?"

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"You." He chuckled before giving me a kiss.

"Get a room, you two." Gene made a disgusted sound crossing his arms. I blushed and pulled away from Paul, before turning my gaze back out of the window as the plane landed.

     Once we got off the plane, we gathered our luggage and piled into a limo. Our hotel overlooked the beach and venue we were performing at tomorrow. But the only thing on my mind was getting onto the beach, today! The last coastal cities we were in, it was too damn cold to go to the beach. So, needless to say, I was fucking excited. Especially since, I started not feeling well recently. Paul and the other's had been worried, but I waved it off as food poisoning from one of the restaurants we ate at the other day. When Paul and I got to our suite, I dashed into the bedroom, leaving my laughing boyfriend behind and quickly set up my trunk before digging out my bikini. Not paying Paul any mind, I stripped out of my travel clothes and threw on a cotton sundress before grabbing my beach tote and enlarging it. For some nagging reason, something told me to take my trunk as well. So, I closed up my luggage and shrank it down. Because we would be off continent for a while, I had to pack up my entire room and turn it back into a cabinet. So, I had put my dice bag in my trunk since there was no expansion charms on it. Slipping my trunk into my tote, I put on my sandals and made for the door.

"That eager for the beach?" Paul asked following me into the living room area.

"Uh, yeah! It's been forever since I've been. Let alone in Hawaii!" I replied grabbing the door handle. "Are you coming?"

"I'll be down in a few." he said as I walked out of our room.

     Walking at a fast pace with a giddy smile on my face, I took the stairs instead of the elevator and as I passed through a particularly dark landing, I suddenly felt hands wrap around me and pull me into the shadows. A muffled scream escaped me as I was pulled through darkness before blacking out. When I finally came too, I didn't feel the ground under me. Slowly blinking my eyes as they adjusted to the gloom in front of me, I saw I was in an old, abandoned church. Panic set in as I tried to move, only to hear the rustle of chains and someone tugging on my arms and legs. Looking at my appendages, I saw they were wrapped in chains, and I was held in the air by them in front of a busted-out window. Fear gripped me as I looked for a way to free myself. Not seeing a way as I still had no control over my KISSterian powers, and my wandless magic was limited to Protegro, Expecto Patronum, Lumos Maxima, Muffliato, Accio, and Nox.

"Struggling won't help, little witch." a deep voice chuckled as a shadowy form seemed to emerge from the gloom. "But don't worry, your precious Starchild will be here soon enough. As well as the other Guardians."

"What have you done to me!" I snarled feeling like I was drained of energy and magic.

"These chains are designed to drain the energy of their captive. Imagine my surprise when they practically latched onto you and turned such a rich silver." the shadow chuckled again while seeming to circle me.

"W-who are you." I demanded trying to break free from the chains. My hair fell in my face, and I gasped seeing it had turned silver.

"I am Draven, last of the Shadow Clan." the shadow replied rising up as a shadowy hand grabbed my chin. "My, I can see why the Starchild is so taken with you. Eyes like sapphires and hair that was once like fire."

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