Child of Halloween

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     Months passed as I traveled with the gang. Daphne bless her heart was a huge support for me as my pregnancy progressed, and Scooby and Shaggy kept me supplied with snacks whenever my cravings hit. We'd solved so many mysteries while travelling the globe, and when we weren't solving mysteries, I was living with Daphne as her roommate. We even decorated a nursery for Hadrian together. Currently, we were a few weeks away from my due date when the gang wanted to visit their friends the Hex Girls as they shot their new music video. The flight staff were worried about me flying so far along, but I assured them I would be fine. When we got to Transylvania, it reminded me of home slightly. Especially Hogsmeade. 

"Like why are we traveling through this creepy town? Our vacations usually start out nice then turn creepy." Shaggy complained.

"Relax, Shaggy. We're just passing through this town on the way to a super awesome Castle." Velma assured the nervous young man as Fred drove through the rain.

"Castles and old villages hold so much history. I actually went to school at one in Scotland." I said looking out the window. Daphne said she hoped to be an extra, but Fred told her not to push it.

     I laughed at their antics as I rubbed my swollen belly. Hadrian kicked my hand as I did so. Whether it was out of love or annoyance, I couldn't be sure. We drove for about another half hour before Fred stopped in front of an ancient looking bridge. Oh boy. Shaggy suggested we all turn around and go to Bavaria, but Fred just laughed before kicking the van into high gear and speeding across the bridge. The rumble of the van made the bridge shake and caused nausea to form. Covering my mouth, I tried to hold it in. Suddenly, the bridge started to collapse behind us making me panic. Finally, though he pulled to a stop in front of the doors. Not wasting any time, I scrambled out of the van and found some bushes where I released my snack from earlier. Groaning and wiping my mouth, I placed a hand on my back as I righted myself. Daphne gave me a concerned look while I glared at Fred.

"Maybe a little warning next time?" I suggested as I followed the gang into the castle. When we came to the main room, we saw three girls dressed as brides arguing before one stormed off.

"I wonder what's going on." Velma hummed. Daphne made a weird theory but stopped when the girls came over to us.

"We're so glad you're here." one girl said. It was Thorn!

"Where's my wedding dress and black fingernails?" Daphne asked excitedly.

"Sorry, but the shoot in on hold because some weird vampire guy decided to crash it." Thorn explained as I wandered around the room.

     This place was definitely old. Not as old as Hogwarts, but old. By the gang, I could hear Shaggy and Scooby freaking out as Velma told them that vampires didn't exist. That got a snort out of me as I wandered the room. I could feel eyes on me and shook my head. Suddenly I felt an arm grab me and pull me into a hidden room. Breaking free, I turned around and felt my blood freeze. It was a guy dressed as a vampire. I tried to scream and look for the exit when cloth covered my mouth, and I was then dragged up some stairs and into a tower room. Shouting through my gag, I tried fighting him off, but he was physically stronger than me. Eventually, he let me go and left while locking the door. Ripping the gag off, I rushed up to the door and began beating on it and shouting. Of course, I left my damn wand in the van. Why did I always end up trapped or hidden away somewhere?

"Now I know how Daphne feels." I muttered rubbing my hands from where I had been hitting the door. Looking around the room, I saw it was decently furnished and warm. "Of course, locked in a tower."

As the night wore on, I couldn't find any escape from the room. Exhaustion soon came over me and I decided to just get some sleep. The storm raged outside as I fitfully slept. When suddenly, a scream echoed in the silent castle. Throwing back the covers, I rolled out of bed and looked around in a panic. That was Daphne. Rushing to the balcony of the tower, I looked at the castle below me before my eyes spotted the Mystery Machine.

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