Chapter 8 - A Meeting of Kings

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Chapter 8 - A Meeting of Kings

Nicolas silently paced back and forth before the pool of water, before pausing a small shimmering light appeared began to shine just above the surface, rising until it was nearly eye level, and then an explosion of shimmering light it expanded outward, and slowly the blurred image, like a reflection in a fogged-up mirror, of King Zayden came into focus before him.

To say he was angry would have been an understatement, if the sound of rumbling thunder in the background wasn't enough evidence, then the ring of flaring gold in the king of sky's eyes was proof enough to Nicolas.

" King Zayden." He greeted with a nod, but the Sky King offered nothing in return, and Nicolas expecting none, continued." As you are here, you received my message regarding your daughter."

" Where is she?" He snapped.

Planning my assassination." Resting."  He said instead. 

" I want to speak with her." 

Maybe I should have just written him. " I'm afraid I cannot allow that at this time. As in accordance with the Ancient Laws-"

" Toss the Ancient Laws." He roared loudly, his voiced echoed by thunder, and Nicolas glanced boredly upward toward the cave ceiling as if expecting lightning to strike him." I want to see my daughter." He demanded.

I can see where she gets it now. His skin warmed at the thought in remembrance of Mira's little light show. Like father, like daughter.

" As I was saying. " Nicolas continued, straightening his back. " In accordance with the Ancient Laws, by crossing the border without permission, which is punishable by death by its king, Princess Mira must remain in Mortith."

" For how long?" Zayden snapped.

" For as long as I, the King, decides." 

" How long?" He repeated, his eyes narrowing, and Nicolas really could see sparks coming off of him now as he sat forward on his throne. But even through the anger, he could see something else burning. Desperation, perhaps? Nicolas inwardly smirked. Yes, definitely.

" Until that which was promised so long ago is given." Nicolas stated and all the color drained from Zayden's face, before shot to his feet." How do you know about that?!? That was before you were born, boy."

Call me boy again, and this conversation is finished. " I might be the youngest of the three High Kings, " He said, keeping his tone collected, " but that doesn't mean I know nothing of my father's rule. Now, your princess for what was promised, do we have a deal?"

Zayden lowered himself back into his throne and Nicolas openly smirked.


Mira fiddled with her napkin as she glanced toward the chair across from her, then back to her empty plate and across the room to the strange translucent ghostly servants that stood (floated?) lined up along the far wall. It had been startling at first when she'd arrived half an hour before, but after reminding herself that was how some people were in Mortith she guessed it wasn't so odd. The living and dead lived amongst each other here.

Her gaze flickered to the empty chair again and she let out a sigh before turning her head as the door opened, quickly getting to her feet as the King finally arrived. He didn't look at her as he passed, and Mira wrung her hands in the skirt of her dress as she burned a hole in the floor before looking toward the King as he lowered himself into his chair, nodding for her to as well once he was seated.

He offered no apology for his lateness as the clattering of lids and dishes filled the room as servants began to move around the room, some even flying above the table as they went. It was a haze of movement that Mira was unused to compared to dinners back home, and even trying to follow one of them made her head spin, so instead she went back to fiddling with her napkin until everything was in place.

" I spoke to your father. We had a discussion regarding your stay here." The king said, drawing her attention and she frowned at him as he sipped from a silver goblet as it was placed before him and filled with what Mira guessed to be wine, a similar cup was placed before Mira, but she ignored it as she stared at the dark-haired king. His dark green eyes bore into her, making her uneasy, but she refused to look away and let him see her falter. He smirked and she scowled in response to his enjoyment.

" And?" She questioned, seizing her fork when everything in the room finally settled, stabbing at a piece of meat on her plate with what was, probably, too much aggression.

" It remains to be seen." He said, and confusion crossed her face as he looked away from her. " What do you mean?"

" Nothing to worry your little mind over. It's not your concern."

" It is if it involves me." Mira stated, harshly setting her fork down and his dark eyes flickered back to her." Remember your place, Princess. You broke an ancient law, therefore your life is mine, so if I say it doesn't, it does not concern you." He hissed.

 " Why can't you just tell me-"

" Enough. I want to hear nothing more from you about it." He said in warning, and anger flared inside of her as she tossed her napkin onto her plate, her food only half eaten. She knew she was probably being childish, but she refused to sit there be treated like a child.

" You haven't been excused." He called out.

" I don't care." She retorted, before she found her way blocked by the crossed spears of two undead soldiers standing guard at the door, they moved mechanically, like puppets; they were dressed in dark chainmail like any soldier, but their skin was partially rotted and where their eyes should have been, were two burning flames, which stared down at her. Thier spears uncrossed as she backed away but as she turned to face the king something wrapped around her, like a cord around her waist, before she found herself flying across the room and was dropped back into her chair which then slid back to the table, this time closer to where he sat at the other end.

" What-" She gasped as the breath was knocked from her lungs and he looked away from her.

" Eat." He said as a new plate was set before her and she stared at him wide eyed.

What the heck was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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