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Nathan Wagner - Growing Up


A pained scream filled the halls of the palace, one of many to be heard that night.

Dressed in flint grey, he paced back and forth before a closed door. His face was etched with worry, his eyes flickering continuously to the closed door. He paused momentarily stepping toward the doors, only to back away with a shake of his head. Hurried footsteps drew his attention toward the hall to his right, before several somethings slammed into him, nearly knocking him to the ground.

" Is the baby here? Is the baby here?" Two small, excited voices questioned, and he looked down to meet the identical eyes staring up at him before several more children came running around the corner; a distressed looking nanny right behind them. " I'm sorry, my king. I told them to remain in their rooms until summoned."

" It's alright." He sighed, before a tugging on his sleeve made him look down to find several eyes staring up at him now. " Not yet, my children." He said, and they all looked down in disappointment before the doors open, and a woman in a cream robe stepped out. " And?" He questioned.

" A girl." The robed women said, and he smiled in relief before moving through the door as the women stepped aside. Inside the room, a dark-haired women lie leaning against a mountain of pillows, in her arms was a small bundle. She looked up as he entered the room and motioned him forward with a smile. He moved to her side, and sat down beside her, kissing her brow before looking down at the baby in her arms with pride.

" She will be your last." A woman in an ash grey robe said, and they shared a look.. " May I?" She asked reaching for the child, and the dark-haired women nodded before passing her to the ash robed women, who smiled down at the bundled babe.

The women in cream stood near the door with a woman in a midnight-colored robe, as the other women brushed her thumb over the child's forehead before placing her finger in the child's tiny hand. After a moment of just holding her hand, the women reached up to push back her ashy hood, behind her the other two women had done the same, revealing three pairs of pupilless white eyes.

" To whom, does this child come?" The women in ash grey questioned, her brown, black hair falling passed her shoulders. " To I, Lord Zayden, Lord of the Sky." The man said, his voice echoing off the walls like a roll of thunder.

" To I, Lady Flora, Mother of the Earth." The women on the bed said, her voice like and her earthen green eyes shining with happiness.

" I, Bellimora, do declare this child: Princess of Sky and Earth. May Fate smile upon her." The women said, brushing her thumb over the child's cheek. Bellimora's eyes turned from white to emerald, green. The women in cream, her icy blonde swept over one shoulder in a braid, moved to stand beside Bellimora. " Is this child promised?"

" No." Zayden and Flora responded, and she nodded before placing a kiss to the child's forehead. " I, Opli, declare this child's spirit free to fly. May she be blessed with joy, and her soul find eternal love." An image flickered through Opli's mind, and she sighed, whispering quietly to the newborn." I wish you luck, sweet Princess." Opli's eyes turned from white to dark royal blue.

The third robed women in midnight black robes moved to Bellimora's other side, her ebony hair pinned back on her head. Her white eyed gazed turned to the window where light had begun to poor into the room, and she smiled. " I, Minoh, do declare this child, born before the breaking of dawn: Mira, Princess of Earth and Sky. May the utterance of her name bring light and joy to all." Minoh's eyes turned from their pale white to a black that matched her hair.

" So it is said, so it shall be." The three echoed as one.

There was a moment of silence, before a loud thud pulled their attention to the door where two children had fallen through, and now lie sprawled across the floor. Opli chuckled at them, before walking forward to crouch down to the level of the two children as they guiltily avoided the eyes of all the adults in the room. " Children-" Nanny started to say, but was waved off by Opli, who placed a hand to the top of their heads with a grin.

" Nothing wrong with a bit of curiosity. Come, meet your new sister." She said and they smiled at her before rushing toward the bed where their mother now held the small babe.

Opli motioned the other children in before closing the door, and they gathered around the bed while their Nanny stood back with one of the younger children, a boy with light brown hair and deep hazel eyes.

" Shall I have someone get Ivan?" Nanny asked, knowing he would be upset once he learned he missed meeting his new sister, and Zayden shook his head. " Let him rest." He responded before turning to his other children. " Madison, Augustus, Daniel, Alison, Adrian. My children. I present to you, your new sister. Mira, Princess of Sky and Earth. "

Author's note: Something to know right now, before we actually get into the story. This is a Greek Mythology-based story, but there is no incest. Some people are still related, just not in the same way your used to.

There will also be references to other cultures, as well, so keep an eye out for those.

If you have any other question, feel free to ask.

Tell next time

- ElizabethUnderwood7


Life and Death (Book 1 of the Mergence Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt