Chapter 5 - From the Darkness

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Sam Tinnesz - Far From Home

Chapter 5 - From the Darkness

The cup of tea was warm between her hands, but Mira couldn't bring herself to drink it. Wicca stood across the room, her back to her as she quietly crushed several herbs that Mira didn't recognize within a small round bowl, occasionally glancing back at her in concern. Wicca had given her one of her dresses to wear since the white dress she had been wearing had been ruined. It was similar in style to the one that Wicca was wearing, but instead of red, it was a dark shade of blue. Wicca had also given her a black shawl to protect her from the cold, but even with the warm tea, the covering and the burning fire in front of her, she still felt a chill in the air.

She hadn't told her who she was, or why or how she ended up in the river. She hadn't told her about him, the man in the maze, deciding that Wikka would probably think her insane.

A tear ran down the young maiden's face before she quickly wiped it away, turning her eyes back to the shadowed world beyond the cave when three loud howls echoed out through the darkness.

Mira squeezed her eyes shut at the familar noise, and Wicca was immediately at her side. She hadn't heard the sound since that day when she was 16, but it was just as familar.

" The hounds. They must have caught your scent." She explained, and Mira looked at her in horror. " If they know I'm here, does that mean your king knows?"

" Yes, but they won't find you here." Wicca said, before motioning to several items she had hung near the entrance of the cave. Mira had thought them to be just decoration, but apparently this was not the case. " Those will ward off creatures of this world. Those of shadow and darkness. But beyond them, you must remember that you an outsider, an unwelcome one, and the King does not appreciate those who trespass upon this land without his approval. "

" I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you." Mira said, and Wikka smiled at her. " You needed my help. Without it, you would have died, and I couldn't allow that. Just as I couldn't allow you to be brought before the king in such a stat."

" If there is anything I can do to repay you, I will do it."

" Why don't you start by finishing your tea, and then come help me." Wikka suggested, and Mira nodded in agreement before lifting the cup to her lips. If she had been paying attention, she would have noticed the look of sadness and regret pass across her face as she turned away, her eyes closing as the sound of a teacup shattering on the stone floor. " What... What did you..." Mira stuttered sleeping and Wikka quickly moved back to her side, lowering her slowly back amongst the bits of cloth and pillows behind her.

" I'm sorry." Wikka told her as her eyes fluttered, fighting the effects of whatever Wikka had slipped in her drink. " Forgive me, Princess" She whispered quietly, and Mira glared at her silently.

" You... You knew?"

" I don't blame you for not telling me yourself."

" W... Why?" She muttered, her vision blurring, and Wikka smiled. " Because there is something that I need you to do. I need you to trust me." She told her.

Mira wanted to argue, to tell her to forget it, but in that moment, she lost her fight and with another echoing howl from somewhere outside the cave, her vision faded to black.

When she awoke next, she was lying on a bed in a dark room. Shades of dark colors littered the room, from the curtains on the windows to the furniture across the room. Her vision was still blurry, but she swore she could just make out a figure standing at the window with their back to her. Her eyes slipped closed, and when they opened again, he was gone.

In his place was a woman with hair several shades darker than Mira's, and as she turned upon noticing that Mira was awake, the young princess caught sight of a set of deep green eyes. " Princess-" She started to say, but Mira was already off the bed and was stumbling for the door. " Princess Mira, wait." She called rushing after her as the young girl threw open the doors, only to run full force into a hard surface so hard that she fell backwards.

She stared at the doorway in confusion before reaching forward to press her hand to the invisible barrier. " Wh... What?" She muttered and the young women stepped toward her.

" The king wishes for you to remain in your room." She said and Mira frowned, before slowly getting to her feet." King? Am I to be a prisoner then?"

" You're an outsider." She said, her voice laced with disgust and Mira immediately decided she didn't like this girl, or her attitude. " Outsiders do not belong here. You're lucky you weren't killed for trespassing, Princess or not." She snarked, before walking passed her, right through the barrier. " I'll inform his majesty that your awake and asking for him." She called disappearing down the hallway, in response Mira slammed the door shut in annoyance.


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