Chapter 3 - The Awakening

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Three Days Grace - Get Out Alive

Chapter 3 - The Awakening

He had greying blonde hair and pale blue eyes, like ice.

" Well met, Princess." He greeted, a cruel smirk crossing his face as he stared at her. " Apologies for hijacking your coming-of-age ceremony, but I have need of the excess energy." He said.

" W... who are you?" Mira asked and he shook his head in disappointment. " Has it truly been so long since that day?" He questioned, more to himself then to Mira, before shrugging his shoulders. " It doesn't really matter who I am, not for you really. There isn't much time, and I'd rather not waste this opportunity."

Mira started to question his motives, but suddenly found her lips unwilling snapping shut as he held a figure to his own lips. " Hush, dear princess." He muttered before stepping away from the tree and around the bench toward her. " I've been waiting many decades for your arrival. I will wait no more. Once I've sapped the life energy from you, I will at last be powerful enough to free myself of my prison."

Fear raced through Mira's veins as he drew closer, but her attempts to run were in vain, it was like she had lost all control of her limbs and they refused to obey her, she couldn't even turn away from him as he came to stop in front of her. Move. Move. Please, move. " I suppose should thank you. I will make sure that your loved ones know of your sacrifice, and I will offer them mercy in your name."

Images of the faces of her family flickered through her mind, and somehow, she found the strength and felt his hold on her start to slip. " Please." She managed to gasp, the single word making her head spin as it escaped her, and he sighed. " There's no point in his fighting, Dear Princess. You'll only hurt yourself."

He reached out for her, but his hand was stopped short of making contact with her skin as a bright light filled the air between them and the man was launched away from her, his back connecting with the bark of the weeping willow. Mira let out a breath as his hold on her broke and she crumbled to her knees as her vision blurred and her head pounded with pain. A familar feeling similar to when her blood had hit brazier burned in her chest, before quickly fading. She lifted her head when she noticed him starting to get back up, his cold eyes narrowing as they settled on her, and she quickly scrambled to her feet.

" I'm willing to be gentle with you, and to be merciful to those you love. Force my hand, and I promise I will make sure that that each of them dies, screaming, as I burn your precious kingdom to ash." He told her as he slowly returned to his feet.

She knew that she should, to spare whatever pain this man might inflict upon her loved ones, but a deeper part of her reminded her that, despite his cruel threats, he obviously was trapped here and that his only way out was through her, and by her ancestors she would go down fighting, so with that in mind she fled back through the archway, away from the tree and into the hedged maze.

" Flee as fast you can, girl, but know that you can't run forever. I will find you." She heard him call out, and she pressed herself to run faster than she ever had before, the skirt of her white dress clutched tightly in her hand and her golden heels left far behind her. After several minutes, she came to a stop, breathing heavily as she found herself standing before a stone archway. Beyond she could see nothing but darkness, like an endless void of shadow.

An energy like she had never felt before seemed to wrap itself around her heart and soul, and a tempting feeling called out for her, urging her to jump, to step through. It was so strong that she actually stumbled forward a step, catching herself on the ivy wall.

" Oh Princess, I am enjoying our game, but I believe it has gone on long enough." He called out to her, his voice growing closer, and Mira made her decision. Releasing the ivy wall, she seized the skirt of her gown and rushed forward, throwing herself through the archway and into the void beyond.


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