Chapter 6 - The World Did Tremble

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Chapter 6 - The World Did Tremble

Not being able to leave, left Mira little that she could do but wait. She'd already spent the first minutes of her captivity searching the room, and so far, she'd found a large bathroom and a closet packed with dresses in shades that looked more like funeral clothes then everyday wear. 

Deciding to take advantage of the accommodations, she washed quickly in the bathroom and then selected a dark colored floor length dress with thin shoulder straps, and with work from her magic, she created a cascade of branches, leaves, and flowers down one side of the dress, she then paired it with a pair of dark colored heels. Her dark had been pulled up into an elegantly styled braided bun. 

No sooner had she finished her hair and moved to stand at the window did the doors fly open behind her. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees in a matter of moments, but she did not cower as she turned to face him.

His eyes were dark green, but not like the girl from before, his eyes were darker, like a forest just after it rained, and his hair was black, only distinguished from the shadows around him when he moved a certain way. He was taller than her, enough to where she would be forced to raise her head to meet his eyes if he stood close enough, and he dressed just as she thought he would, in shades of grey and black. She wasn't sure if the expression he was making was a mask to hide his real feelings, or if he really did not care about this whole situation.

He had an aura of fear, but while half wanted to flee in terror, another part of her wanted to step closer.

She clenched her fists in the skirt of her dress to keep herself in one place as he moved toward her, coming to a stop directly in front of her. His eyes ran over her, studying her for several moments before he spoke.

" I was told that you requested to see me." His voice sent a chill down her spine, but she hid her fear. " Yes." 

" Well..." He pressed, like he would rather be somewhere else.

" I want to speak to my father. "

" I'm afraid I'll have to deny your request. " He said and she frowned. " Why? I'm obviously missing. He'll want to know I'm safe."

" You fell in and were pulled from the river, that means you crossed the border. By the ancient laws, your life is mine." He told her and her eyes narrowed. " You can't do that. You can't keep me here."

" Actually, I can. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do then hear the demands of an ill-mannered and spoiled princess. Your father will be informed of your location, but for the moment you will remain here. Now, be a good girl and wait quietly in your room until your summoned for dinner." He told her, before turning to walk away and her anger flared in her veins, hotter than ever before. Mira wasn't an angry person, she never had been, but if this man thought he knew her after only a few minutes of talking to her she was going to let him have it.

" No, we're not done talking." She snapped, but he didn't even glance at her. " Yes, we are." 

" No-" She started to say, reaching for him but the moment she made contact with him, there was a flash of bright light in the space between them. Mira's back hit the wall as she was thrown off her feet by the sudden burst of energy, before sliding to the ground with a wide-eyed expression. Across the room, the man lay where he had landed, slightly dazed and blinking rapidly as he tried to clear the spots from his vision.

The two of them turned to look at each other, just before the chandelier that had been hanging from the center of the ceiling came crashing down. The chandelier wasn't the only thing had been destroyed, furniture had been knocked over, the mirrors and windows had all shattered scattering glass everywhere, and floor where the two of them had been standing was partially charred like lightning had struck the ground. 

Had she done this? How had she done this? She made plants grow, not this.

Using the wall to pull herself up, Mira took in the destruction slowly before her brown eyes flickered to the king who had also gotten to his feet. " Princess-" He started to say, stepping toward her and in fear she fled for the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. 

He stared at the door where had she disappeared for several moments, the sound of her sobs beginning to echo out from within through the silence. His heart ached at the sound, wanting to find some way to ease her sorrow, but instead he turned away and disappeared back the way he had come.

In the hallway stood a man with pale blonde hair and ice blue eyes. " You could hear the explosion in the courtyard. What happened?" He asked in concern at the sight of his charred clothes." An incident." He responded, and the blonde's eyes widened.

" Please tell me you didn't blow up the princess, Nicolas." He pleaded, and he rolled his eyes. " No, I did not 'blow up the princess', Theo."

" Should I send for Wikka?" He asked, and Nicolas waved him off, starting to move passed him. " No. In fact, no one goes in there without my approval. Dead or alive."

" Yes, my king." Theo called out, before Nicolas, the King of Mortith, vanished into the shadows.


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