Chapter 8

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"Well that took a weird turn," Abby told me, smirking.
"I know," I responded,"she can be so needy sometimes." Then we both sighed. At the same time.
"Well, good night I guess."Abby said.
"Night." I responded.
Then she turned off her lamp and slid under the covers. I laid there looking at the ceiling.
My life is changing so fast, and I'm making and losing friends by the second...
"Just because you're popular doesn't mean everything has to go your way!" I heard Winter scream the next day in the cafeteria.
I walked over to where she was and saw a very horrifying sight.
Abby was on the ground, and her nose was bleeding. Winter was standing above her, ready to kick her in the face.
"Stop!!!!!" I yelled.Winters foot was almost on Abby's face.
"Winter," I said," I know when your mad you seem like you have to hurt people, but this is out of control. You need to learn to maintain your anger issues.
She just growled at me.
I helped Abby off of the floor and half-carried her to the nurses office.
Abby was breathing heavily.
"What happened that made you go all crazy?" I asked Abby.
"I made fun of her name." She responded.
"Ok, well, that's not a good thing. Lesson learned."
"Wait why isn't it a good thing?"
I sighed. I had to tell her.
"It was her mom's middle name. Her mom is gone."
Then I noticed Abby's expression change.

Winter and Spring (2nd book to sunshine and darkness) ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now