Chapter 7

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Winter POV
I was getting a call. The number was unknown.
I picked up the phone. There's nothing better I can do...
I answered the phone.
"Hello we nail salon! We make your nail pretty, you ugly right now but we make you pretty so get boyfriend!!!"
"Who is this?"
"Nail salon!! We also can dye your hair blonde and giver you blue eye contacts."
"No thanks, May." Then I heard giggling.
"Who's May?"
"I know this is you. What did I do to deserve this?"
"You read my diary."
"No I didn't."
"Stop lying. You know what, don't talk to me anymore. I have Abby and you have Addie, and that's that."
And then she hung up.
Well, I guess I have no choice but to...
A. Lie on my bed and cry myself to sleep
B. go over to Addie's house and do another music fight with them
Or C. forget about the whole thing.
I choose choice A and C.
There's no point in having another fight with them...

Winter and Spring (2nd book to sunshine and darkness) ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now