Chapter 2

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Winter POV (now they are 13)
May told me her new neighbors moved in. She said there were twins, our age, coming to our school starting in 3 months.
Their names were Abby and Addie. Addie was a goth and Abby was a girly girl. Two complete opposites, but they were twins. You don't see that every day.
May told me that at school during lunch. I was eating my normal turkey and cheese sandwich. Then she told me.
I was only a little shocked at first, but the more u thought about it, the more I was scared. What if May chose them over me? What if I became the third wheel?
Oh, what if what if what if. I need to calm myself down.
I can't concentrate on my homework. I just can't. I may lose my bestest friend in the whole world.
Ok, I'm really over thinking this! I need to breathe and concentrate on my homework.
Um.... I have no clue what that means. Let me switch to ELA.
What is an oxymoron?
This is so frustrating! Maybe I should pay attention in class instead of thinking about my problems. As you can see I'm not very smart.
I should try studying one day.
Oh my god I just cracked myself up. Me? Studying? I don't think it's possible. I started to laugh out loud.
"You ok?" Mom called.
"Why were you laughing?"
"Why are you so nosy?"
That shut her up. Now where were we? Oh yeah, trying to figure out what an oxymoron was...
"Hey, May, are the neighbors cool?" I asked the next morning before the homeroom bell rang.
"Yup! Abby is totally my kind of person, maybe all three of us could be friends."
Oh no, here it comes. I'm going to be the third wheel. You're probably wondering how I know that. I read too many books. Yet I'm dumb. Ironic.
I might as well make new friends now. Maybe I'll go talk to Addie. See what's she's like.
I'll just stick with May until they shoo me away. Get the most out of her.

Abby is amazing. She is truly my kind of friend.
I just hope Winter understands..

The pic is not winter, it is May just so Those pics will be May, and any people with red hair in the pics will be winter just to make that clear.

Winter and Spring (2nd book to sunshine and darkness) ||ON HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now