The Sub Sinker

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In the geometry class Jerry and Randy are busy using the rulers as swords, towards the back of the class room Abigail is looking through her notebook, as Milton, Sidney and Albert stand in the corner.

"Would you look at those animals!, this is a classroom. What do they think they're doing?" Milton Says

"If I'm not constantly filling my brain with knowledge, that's when the naughty thoughts come." Sidney Says

"Well, our new Principal Funderburk just hired
a sub who's different from the others. We're finally gonna get our classroom back." Milton Says

"I hope so." Albert Says

Jerry and Randy are still pretending to be fencing each other, he bumps into Abigail's desk and she glared at him angrily.

"Watch it Randy, I'm trying to study." Abigail Says

"For what we haven't had a test in a week." Randy Says

"Not for this class, for our English class which is next period." Abigail Says, as Randy leans closer to her.

"Hey uh you wouldn't mind sharing notes with me." Randy Says, as Jerry tugs on his shirt.

"Randy back off, besides Abigail wouldn't give her notes to you...I'll steal them from her later." Jerry Says, as Abigail rolls her eyes at them.

"Idiotas estúpidos" Abigail mumbles, as Milton approaches Jerry and Randy.

"Playtime's over, Jerry. It's about to get real up in this hizzy." Milton Says

On cue Albert and Sidney attempts at beat boxing, Jerry and Randy looks at them laughing.

"Guys, don't." Milton Says

"Okay." Albert Says

"The school finally found a substitute that even you can't break. He's the perfect storm of discipline,
intelligence and toughness." Milton Says

"You're forgetting he won substitute of the year.
I know all about this guy. I am..."The sub sinker." Jerry Says

The door opens and in comes the new substitute, everyone takes their seats.

"I'm your new substitute Mr. Testa." He wrote his name on the chalk board, "And you should know that I have not fully conquered my rage issues." He Says

Jerry stands up and walks over to his desk "Welcome to our classroom, Sir. This is our teacher's textbook." He hands it to Mr.Testa

"Thank you. What's your name, son?" Mr.Testa Asks

"Oh, I'm listed on the honor roll as "Jerome". And today we're supposed to do a recap on chapter six." He Says, then sits down in his seat.

"Open your books to chapter six, take out a clean she..." He opens up the book, and gasps "Oh, sweet love of my life, that' high school sweetheart, Carol Miller. Until she broke my heart one summer." Mr.Testa Says

"Oh, you mean when Jake Martin the lifeguard took her away on his wave rider, leaving you sobbing on the beach in your little ducky inner tube?" Jerry Says

"I vowed to one day win her back." Mr.Testa Says

"Well that day is today." There's a knock at the door, he smirks, "Come in, Carol." Jerry Says

"What?! She can't see me like this. I... I haven't done a sit-up since the 90's..I'm hideous!, I've gotta get outta here." Mr.Testa Says

He runs towards the back room and drives out the window where Abigail was sitting, everyone in the class stands up to look out the window as Jerry opens the door, which instead is a pizza man.

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