Glove Hurts

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Milton takes out his invention for the invention fair, he sets it on the table as Jack, Jerry and Abigail walks over.

"Hey Milton." Jack Says

"Hey, I was up all night working on my project for the invention fair. I have something truly amazing.
What do you guys have?" Milton Says

Jerry and Jack both start murmuring over their words, then sighs.

"We got nothing." Jack and Jerry Says

"Abigail what about you?" Milton Asks

"Nah I decided not to participate this year." Abigail Says

"Please don't tell me you're still upset about coming in second at last year's fair." Jerry Says

"You guys know I deserved to win last year's, no but Eric had to win with his stupid big magnet." Abigail Says

"I am so excited," she exclaimed "We have a special guest Judge this year. He's from Techtronic Labs and he is not too hard on this lonely lady's eyes..Derek Tanner." She Says

The door opens and entered Derek Tanner, riding on a floating board.

"Hello, future. I'm Derek." He Says

"I can't believe it, that's my dad's new boss. He's a genius, and my personal hero." Milton Says

"This is the Mind Surfer, you control wherever it
goes with your thoughts. And that's really what inventing is dreaming things into reality." Derek Says

"You know, I tell them that every day. But do they listen? No!" She Says, looking at them.

"Milton, dude, you gotta help us." Jack Says

"Here we go. Once again, you've done nothing
and you want credit by glomming onto my project." Milton Says

"Good. So we're on the same page." Jack Says

"No No Milton don't let them in on it, just because they were to lazy and forgot to do their's." Abigail Says, as Jack and Jerry covers her mouth.

"Shhh...don't listen to her. Please please Milton help us out." Jack Says

"Look next time we promise we'll do our own projects." Jerry Says

"Sure you will." Abigail Says, muffled.

"And this is Milton Krupnik, he's the smartest boy
in our class." She Says

"Ah, Milton. If you're anything like your father, I'm sure your project will be most impressive." Derek Says, as Milton let's out a little nervous giggle.

"'Kay." Milton Says

"Right now the only competition you have
is something called the Butt Whistle." Derek Says

A Whistle is heard in the background, everyone rolls their eyes.

"Put it away, Eric!" She Says

"May I present..." Milton Says

Jack clears his throat, he and Jerry stands behind Milton.

"Freeloaders." Abigail Says, rolling her eyes.

"May we present...the Corn Coddlers." Milton Says

He takes off the tarp revealing his invention, it's a pair of high tech gloves.

"Yes! The corn codl... what now?" Jack Says

"Every Wednesday night, I have to give my Nana a foot massage." Milton Says, as he takes a tarp off revealing his grandmother.

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