Capture The Flag

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The Wasabi gang is all hanging out and eating lunch at Phil's, Eddie grimaces at the taste of his hummus.

"Does your hummus smell worse than it normally does?" Eddie Asks

"It's not the hummus It's coming from him." Milton Says

"That's my new cologne , it's called "Impurity." Jerry Sprays some and everyone moves their food

Meanwhile over by the register, There's some preppy students laughing amongst themselves.

"Check it out Swathmore academy students, Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect teeth—" Jack Says

"Perfectly disgusting." Kim Spat

"They must have finally realized Phil makes the best falafel in town." Abigail Says

"Put it in a doggie bag, you. It's for our dogs can you imagine? He thought we were going to eat this." She Says

"What's next-- should we go bathe In the mall fountain?" He Says

"Oh, uh, not not from 3 to 4 That's Jerry time." He Says

"Hello, Jerry. I wish I could stay, But my poor pug is starving. Woof." She Says then walks away

"My poor pug is starving." "Woof." Who talks like that?" Abigail Says

"Unfortunately, no one I know." Eddie Says

"They think they're so much better than us just because they go to a private school." Kim Says

"Well, we are eating their dog food." Jack Says

"And they're a week away from showing us up again during seaford on parade." Milton Says

"You know, I thought our float last year was a winner." Jerry Says

"It was ernie the janitor sitting in a shopping cart with a tube sock on his head." Jack Says

"Winner." Jerry Says

"I don't know why they always win the float competition. I mean, what was so impressive about their giant space shuttle last year?" Kim Says

"It flew." They Say


"Guess what guys..I was selected to be the head of the float committee because I am the only person who even has a chance of pulling it off." Eddie Says

"No one else wanted the job, did they?" Jerry Says

"No, they did not." Eddie Says

"It's already seaford on parade? I hate this time of year." Rudy Says

"What's wrong with seaford on parade?" Jack Asks

"This is the week where the whole town is reminded of the horrible thing I let happen. The year was 1996.

"Oh, no." Abigail Says

"Yep. Here we go." Kim Says

"I was proudly push ing the seaford float down the street. My theme—the mighty lentil, In honor of seaford's number one crop." Rudy Says

"I love a good lentil story." Milton Says

"Out of nowhere, ten—nay! a hundred rich kids from swathmore academy attacked me, led by Teddy Kavanagh. Oh, I fought back but, when the dust settled, the seaford high flag was gone and my lentil had been... violated. Our flag has been held captive by swathmore ever since." Rudy Says

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