Wedding Crashers

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All boys are in the dojo stretching for practice, Abigail shows up and Mika is with her.

"So this is the dojo, it's actually less stinkier than I pictured." Mika Says

"Yeah that's because we convinced Rudy to get new mats, Oh hey guys." Abigail Says

"Hey Mika." They said in unison

"Hi boys." Mika Says

"Okay." Abigail Says

"So where's your friend Kim?" Minka Asks

"Oh she's a on a family trip to Miami, one of her aunts are getting married." Abigail Says

"Wait her Aunt Celine is getting married?" Jack Asks

"Yes." Abigail Says

"I'm surprised, that women doesn't believe in an eyebrow plucker." Milton Says

"But she does believe in too much tanning." Eddie Says

"Yeah she practically looks like an Oompa Loompa." Jerry Says

Rudy comes out the bathroom and runs towards the door "Hey, Bobby's on his way over here."

Everyone follow's Rudy outside, Mika has a confused look on her face.

"What is this Bobby?" Mika Asks

"Oh, he's the rich guy who owns the dojo. whenever he visits, he makes the most insane over-the-top entrances." Jerry Says

The dojo doors open and Bobby has arrived but this time no big fancy entrance, just himself. He walks pass everyone not saying a word and lays his head down.

"Okay, not one of his best." Abigail Says

"Bobby? What's the matter?" Eddie Asks

"I'm lonely!" Bobby Says

"But why are you lonely? Do you not have a girlfriend?" Mika Asks

"Excuse me! I am... Bobby Wasabi. And no, I have no girlfriend." Bobby Says

"Wait, well, that's it. That's what you need. I'm gonna help you find a girlfriend." Rudy Says

"You will?" Bobby Says

"Trust me, Bobby. I got your back. Because if there's one thing I know... It's how to deal with the crushing blow of loneliness." Rudy Says

"Hey It is Tuesday, Come to Falafel Phil's It is singles' night." Mika Says

"Oh..."He chuckles "Falafel." Bobby Says

"Forget falafel! We are gonna find you a lady, And how hard could it be? You're smart, an ex-movie star and really really..." Jack Says

"Handsome." Bobby Says

"I was gonna say rich." Jack Says

"Rich and handsome it is!" Bobby Says


Rudy and Jerry decided to help Bobby out, he's dressed nicely and hair did. They are all at singles night checking out the potential lady for him.

"This is your night and I'm your wing man, and I will never leave your side until we find you a woman." Rudy Says

A woman in a purple dress notices Rudy and taps him on the shoulder. "I, uh, noticed you when you came in. You wanna get out of here and grab some fro-yo?"

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