Clash Of The Titans

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Jerry and Eddie are standing on the platform in their Gi's, today's lesson is jousting.

"The joust is a highly-specialized. Combat technique. It's all about control, balance and Grace." Rudy Says

Eddie hits Jerry with the pugil stick, Jerry screams as Eddie continues beating him.

"Stop! You're beating the Grace out of him." Abigail Says

"Hey hey, put down your pugil stick." Rudy Says

"Forget that! I'm taking this thing on the bus with me." Eddie Says

"What are you... ow!" Jerry Says

Eddie chases after Jerry with the pugil stick, they leave the dojo then Ty and Frank enters.

"Rudy!" Ty Says

"Ty What are you doing here?" Rudy Asks

"I was over at the nail salon getting a power pedicure. Which, by the way, is manly because it has the word "power" in it. when I came out, I found this. - Under my windshield wiper." Ty Says Holding up a flyer

"What is it?" Jack Asks

"It's the thing that goes back and forth on your car when it's raining. It's amazing." Frank Says

"What's amazing is you're 19 and still in the seventh grade." Abigail Says As Jack laugh

"This is what I'm talking about, your Bobby Wasabi flyer was on my car. This is a declaration of war, Rudy." Ty Says

"This isn't about flyers, Ty. It's about the feud that started between us 15 years ago." Rudy Says

"What you did to me was wrong! But it doesn't matter. Because I'm still the best Sensei in this town. You up for a little joust?" Ty Says

"I never walked away from a joust in my life." Rudy Says

Ty and Rudy have a stand off for a minute then they rush over to the jousting platform.

"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to take a moment to harness my chi." Rudy Says

"I'll do the same." Ty Says

"Om..." Rudy Says Then Ty hits him across the head with the pugil stick knocking him down

"Ha ha! I'm the King of the world! Yeah... whoa!" Ty Says Then falls as well


Milton is sitting alone waiting for Kim, he asked her to meet up with him to discuss something important.

"Well, you said it was important what do you want to ask me?" Kim Asks

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous. I've been wanting to say haven't had the courage." Milton Says

"—Milton Are you sure you really want to?" Kim Says

"Kim, I finally feel like I'm ready to go out with a girl..." Milton Says

"—Milton, no! Stop! I don't want to hurt you or talk about this ever again, but I only think of you as a friend." Kim Says

"Wait, you thought I was talking about you and me? I'm sorry, that is hilarious." Milton Says

"Wait, why is that funny exactly?" Kim Asks

"No offense, Kim. I'm sure you're somebody's type. But you're just not mine." Milton Says

"Oh good."Kim Says Then her smile disappears

"I like this girl named Julie, the first time I saw her in chemistry class my heart stopped." Milton Says

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