Indiana Eddie

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It's the last day of school for all the students, Jack, Milton and Abigail are by the lockers talking while Jerry dances down the hall excited.

Jerry puts his arm over Abigail " Hey, What are you so happy about?" She Asks

"Last day of school..Woo! Until summer school. Woo." Jerry says

"I've gotta find a way to get my Venus Fly Trap home for the summer." Milton Says

"It's just a plant, dude take it home." Jerry Says

"I've been growing it hydroponically with a synthetic photosynthesis light since the first day of school, and it's pretty huge." Milton Says

"Yeah it's not even eating flies anymore, It's eating meatballs." Jack Says

"Right..A plant that eats meatballs." He opens Milton's locker, and the plant belches meatballs on his face "Yep, that's definitely a meatball." Jerry says

Abigail takes a wipe from her bag and cleans up his face, Kim walks down the steps and approaches them.

"Hey, did you guys get your end-of-the-year career evaluations from the guidance counselor?" Kim Asks

"Yes, I did, and they're a joke mine says I'm best suited to be a farmer. I'm allergic to cows, terrified of hay, and seriously..." He opens up his hoodie a bit, revealing his shoulders "Do these shoulders look like they can hold up overalls?" Milton Says

"You thought yours was way off, mines said I should be a teacher." Abigail Says

"That's not so bad Abigail." Jerry Says

"Does it look like I have the patience to teach children for eight hours a day." Abigail Says

"Well I didn't even pick mine up, come on no one believes a word those things say." Jack Says

"I just got my career evaluation..I believe every word that this thing says." Eddie Says

"Really?" Kim Says

"Yep. You're looking at a new Eddie I'm gonna be an archaeologist, baby. I'll be discovering lost cities, traveling the high seas, navigating the globe. And now... to Spanish class!" Eddie Says

"Uh, Eddie, your Spanish class is that way." Abigail Says

"I knew that." Eddie Says


Eddie is practicing his karate moves on the dummy, as Rudy watches over him.

"Wow, Eddie, I'm really impressed I've never seen you so focused before." Rudy Says

"That's because I'm taking it seriously. One day, martial arts is going to help me avoid getting wedgied by a mummy." Eddie Says

"You know, I was wedgied by a mummy once. Halloween, 1995." Rudy Says

"Oh, no." Eddie Says

"It was so intense, I blacked out when I woke up, all my candy was gone except for two Jolly Woppers shoved up my nose." Rudy Says

"Rudy, I'm talking about actual mummies. We got our career evaluations back from the guidance counselor, and it said I'm going to be an archaeologist." Eddie Says

"Don't they just dust sand off old bones in the desert?" Rudy Says

"That's not what I'm going to be doing." Eddie Says

"Wow, a treasure hunter? What a cool career. But for the record, mummies wear tighty-whities." Rudy Says

"Oh." Eddie Says

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