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"What are you guys doing?!"


Turning around, I see Sunoo, Jungwon and Jay standing there, glancing at us.

"Are you guys together or what?"

"Huh? No! My hands were cold."

While both of our eyes were widened, we continued to walk to the Store not minding the other 3 males, still standing there in shock. This time, our hands do not even touch in the slightest bit.

"Look!" Sunghoon pointed to a small Cafe.

"You wanna go there?"

"Yeah, let's go."


We both got welcomed by the cold air coming out from the air conditioner.
The smell of cake and coffee instantly greeted my nose, making both of us really hungry.

"Place your order, I'll pay."

"Are you sure?" Sunghoon nodded as an answer, I didn't mind since I don't have that much money with me.

I told him what I wanted and he went to the cashier to order.

He came back with three small packages and two Iced Americanos, my favourite.

"I love Iced Americanos, how did you know?"

"I guessed." He winked at me.

We looked for a table and when we found a free one, we sat down, facing each other.

I grabbed one package and looked inside, there were three big chocolate cookies, which I took out.

"Want one?" I said while munching on the cookie.

"Sure." He chuckled and I gave him the bigger cookie out of the two one's left.

"You have some crumbs on your lips." That made me stop eating and I looked at the male in front of me.
Frightened by the sudden action Sunghoon did, I was stunned.

He reached for my lips and wiped the crumbs away with his soft thumb, leaving me blushing.

I try to hide my face unobtrusively, but he realizes.

"Cute." He mutters, hoping that I didn't hear. But I did.

"Hoon?" The boy smirked at the nickname.


"Can we go to another store, I don't want to walk far."

"Sure! That's okay with me. I'm lazy right now anyway." I chuckle slightly at his answer and he returns it.


We were done with eating and decided to walk around the mall without any destination. If we'll see something that we like, we'll go there.

After a while of walking, I see two tall figures walking towards us.


Jay Park and Nishimura Riki.

"Hi guys! Wanna walk together? We both are quite bored, since we don't really know where to go." Sunghoon, who probably doesn't know about the whole situation, looked at them, waiting for their answer.
The two boys looked at each other, before giving a nod of approval.

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