I shouldn't even care.

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     The drive continues in a stifling silence. Whenever June tries to say something related to Ace I glare at her which shuts her up. I open one of the under -used games on my phone to the welcome back rewards. I frown as June announces our arrival and asks if I want her to stay. I declined, she would leave me alone for a few days but if Ace's condition persisted she would have me doing any number of things.

When we got to my house I went straight down the stairs to the gaming console. This is a bad way to cope, I know. I shouldn't even care. I only knew him a few months. Isn't it my fault thought? I'm such an idiot i should have done more. Thoughts swim around my brain. I never thought I could seasick on dry land.

I play my favorite first person shooter game. I haven't played in months, since I met Ace actually. The world doesn't revolve around him; move on. My thoughts argue with each other about whether it's my fault or not and why I should forget him before I get too hurt. It feels like I'm a bystander in my own brain. The overwhelming hurricane of thoughts and blame bombarding my person and self esteem. But I can do nothing to harness them other than distract myself and hope it passes.

Stop it's pathetic to think about him.

He wouldn't... No, don't think about what he would say.

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