"What type of name is Aceran anyway?"

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      "Come on, Hazel, this is for your own good." June says, pulling me out of the elevator in a waiting room. I roll my eyes.

"I'm doing pretty good as far as I'm concerned." I glare at her. Just because she had to have the 'perfect' figure and well balanced features with long eyelashes and just enough freckles doesn't mean I have to. I prefer to hide my figure and myself in general.

"Wearing gray sweatpants and sweatshirt, playing video games all day, and barely eating is not fine."

"Do you have a problem with comfortable clothing? Nevermind this sweater you made me wear says everything." I deadpan, pulling at the red sweater.

"Sure whatever you say. Still couldn't get you out of those sweatpants." She mutters, words dripping with sarcasm and disgust. This is why I stay at home. People talk too much and don't leave me alone.

I lasily drag my eyes across the waiting room. The theme is sea. Dark waves pattern the light blue walls, shells and jars of sand decorate the shelves, all the chairs have black metal frames and woven seats. Books and articles on depression, anxiety, and other mental ailments rest on the coffee table. A woman comes in and calls my name. June walks me down the halls and stops at a cloudy glass door with bronze letters saying. 'Aceran Atkins ~ Psychotherapist/ dietary councilor'.

The woman opens the door revealing a small office with two chairs, one blue with a round soft cushy appearance the other dark gray and box-like. A few drawings and paintings of sea life hang around the room. A man in his mid twenties stood over a desk in the corner, flipping through a file of papers.

He's tall and wears black pants and dark blue vest with a light blue button up shirt and striped black and gray tie, the sleeves are pushed up past his elbows. His curly black hair swept to the right and just above his eyes. Even through his shirt you could kind of tell he visited the gym occasionally and beach. Blue green eyes look up as June tries to force me in.

"Wait, June you're not coming. You're leaving me in here with a stranger!" I exclaim. "He's attractive, come flirt with or something."

June blushes slightly.

"Come on in, I won't bite. I just had lunch." He invites, I don't notice how husky and rich his voice is. So he's the type of person to make jokes. The forty five minutes is going to be the end of me. I glance at June.

"Well no it's a one on one session. I'll wait in the car for you." She says and pushes me in to the office further. I glare at her for a second as the door closes and hesitantly walk in and essentially collapse on the cushy chair. It's as soft as it looks. I kick of my dirty tennis shoes and pull my feet in to the chair sink into it further. He brings over his file and a pen. He sinks into his chair already scribbling down a few notes. He talks about privacy terms for a few minutes and I nod along as if I'm paying attention.

"So, anyway, you're full name is Hazel Grace Adaar, that's a fun name." He quips

"Except for the fact that everyone in my school watched 'Fault in our stars' and children are cruel instruments of evil." I say, shivering with a look of disgust plastered on my face.

"I guess but I would say my name is much worse."

"What type of name is Aceran anyway?"

"A creative one," he deadpans, "just call me Ace. So, what do you want to get from coming here?"

"I wrote it on the extremely repetitive forms I had to fill out. Can you fix that for the next poor soul that has to encounter you?"

"I'll make a note of your dry sense of humor. Besides, I want to hear it from you verbally as well."

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