"So you asked your therapist out?"

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June nods in response to my explanation, curled brown hair bobbing.

"That's better than I thought. Considering you were ignoring my calls."

I glared at the silver and gray buildings with black glass towering over us, multicolored lights reflecting the passing cars and streetlights.

"What did you think I was doing?"

"One of the things you used to do before you whole yourself up in your basement."

I ignore her. How could she distrust me so much and call herself my friend.

"It went kinda well, which kinda surprised me."

"It sounds like it went pretty great."

"Yeah," I smile slightly, reviewing the night's events then arriving on the unpleasant events of the past few hours. "I'm gonna have to get a new car."

"Wait, wait, wait. You asked Ace Atkins out." She gushes.


"So you asked your therapist out?"

"That question is irrelevant." I grit, stiffly.

"Nah it's a legit question." She giggles, she glances at me with ice blue eyes and a grin.

"Fine, yes." I groan inwardly. She wasn't supposed to know. So what, Ace is my therapist. It just means I'm smart enough to ask to help and he's kind enough to help. Not like it matters, it probably just will end up being a one time thing. And June was the one who introduced me to him. Maybe I should have stayed home after all.

 hey guys sorry about being kinda short. it is a short story though. hope you enjoy.

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