I was wondering if you had the time to hang out....or something?

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 I run up his steps and rock back and forth undecidedly. He doesn't know I'm coming. At this point I should knock, but if I don't then everything stays normal and predictable, that's good right? What would he do if I ask what I want to ask, it's a dangerous risk. I wipe my sweaty palms on my ripped black jeans and brush curly strands of auburn hair out my hazel green eyes. I knock and his voice rings clear in reply, a rich deep sound. His response was a simple "I'm coming." Does he already have low expectations for who's here? Stop overthinking it!

He opens the door. I glance at what he's wearing, a black sleeveless tee, sweatpants, and Adidas slides. His bare arms are lightly toned and tanned. I glimpse his eyes, blue eyes with rings of green, then glance at the floor, a flush rising in my features.

"I was wondering if you had the time to hang out.... or something?" I blurt. Or something, what the heck. He looks shocked for a second then his usual smile comes to his face.

"You know you could have just texted me." He muses. I melt and he laughs softly at my reaction. Why didn't I think of that?

"No, I mean yes... stop laughing at me." I stutter. He tilts his head and gives me a lopsided smile and flutters his eyes.

"Are you asking me out, Hazel Grace?" He quips sweetly. I groan.

"I freaking hate you right now. How the hell did you manage to get a degree, dumbiss." I growl.

"This is the part where I go back to watching The Office." He says slowly closing the door. I stop the door with my hand.

"You are not doing that." I say

"Why not?" He asks, innocently.

"Because we are going out." I say, blushing profusely.

"Sure I'll go get ready." He says, giddily. I sit in the driver's seat fiddling with my fingers. He gets in the passenger seat wearing a black shirt and jeans. He gives me his smile and thumbs up.

"Let's go."

"You made that much more stressful than it had to be."

"No, I made it more fun."

"If June knew you were like this she would find me another therapist."

"I have no intention of interacting with June outside of my office. So I won't act like this around her. But we're hanging out so it doesn't matter. Unless you want me to act like some nerdy therapist and tell you what you're feeling from your body language." He says, blue green eyes gazing into my hazel ones.

"Okay fine." I say rolling my eyes and starting the car.

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