Daki X (Shy! Male)Reader Modern AU (Requested 😋

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"She's such a pretty girl but she's out of everyone's league I swear!" Yn heard from a classmate. He stopped at his locker and listened a bit more, keeping his head down as he looked around for books and such.

"I would love to shake the hand of the guy who got her attention. Guys try all the time but she doesn't like any of them." Another student sighed.

"Feel ya on that. I tried talking with her the other day and she just stepped right past me."

Yn stood up and closed his lockers, holding a mountain of books and due papers. He took a few steps down the hall before the mess in his arms became a mess on the floor. Everyone did their best to avoid it as they hurried to get to class, the bell ringing.

Yn had gathered his books up again, but had them in a neat little pile. He was gathering up a few pencils when a girl with white hair held one out to him. "Here."

Yn looked up at her a bit, blushing and avoiding eye contact. "Thank you... um..."

"Daki." She smiled, standing up.

Yn picked up his books and watched the floor, still frozen with a small blush on his face. She must think I look like an idiot... Why is she even talking to me anyway...?

"You two need to get to class." A hall monitor said.

Daki smiled again and patted Yn's shoulder as she passed him. "See ya later."


"Hey, Yn, did you get my paper done?" Kaigaku asked, bumping the back of Yn's chair.

Yn nodded a bit and handed it over.

Kaigaku took it and stuffed it in a folder. The bell rang and he got up to leave.

"Kaigaku... you said you'd pay me for it..." Yn said, following him out into the hall.

"I don't remember saying that." The black haired boy said.

Yn tried to think of the agreement. "But..."

"I never said I'd pay for it Yn. You must've been talking with someone else." Kaigaku rolled his eyes. "Now get outta here."

Yn stopped following him and sighed to himself, going to his locker. He opened it, pulling his lunch bag out. He closed the locker and Daki jumped out from behind him, grabbing his arm. "Boo!"

Yn yelped in fear and stepped back a bit, his eyes watering up a bit. "Y-you scared me...."

Daki giggled a bit. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Yn looked down to the side a bit. "You're gonna make fun of me for getting so scared aren't you?"

Daki shook her head. "No. I actually think it was really cute."

Yn blushed, looking up at her a bit. "You're lying...."

The green-eyed girl giggled to herself. "I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I don't usually waste my time on people."

Why waste it on me then...? Yn thought.

"Hey Daki, wanna come sit with us at lunch today?" A boy asked, walking over.

Daki turned to him and smiled. "No."

He stared for a second and smiled nervously. "Why not?"

Daki made eye contact with Yn, grinning again.  "I don't usually waste my time on people."

Yn instantly blushed and turned away to hide it as the other boy left in defeat.

Daki stepped over to Yn and made him look at her, smiling and pulling on his cheeks a bit. "You're so cute when you blush!"

Yn didn't know how to respond. He pulled away a bit and watched the floor again. "...."

Daki tilted her head slightly and smiled, grabbing Yn's hand. "Come sit with me for lunch."

"Really?" Yn asked, once again turning red.

"Mhm!" She smiled, dragging him along. He got a bunch of jealous looks from guys and even some girls.

The goddess of the school had the most unpopular and shy boy at her lunch table. Other than a few friends and her brother, there was no one else at that table.

"Who's this?" A girl with long black hair asked, moving some out of her face to see Yn.

Daki smiled. "This is Yn! He's super cute isn't he?" She smiled, almost bragging happily.

Yn blushed again and began unpacking his lunch when a boy with rainbow colored eyes took his chin and made him look at him. "He is isn't he? I'm sure he'll be a great friend." He smiled, letting Yn go.

Daki glared at the rainbow eyed boy. "Shut up."

He just smiled at her, a tall skinny boy walking over and putting him in a choke hold. "Let's not bother Daki, alright Douma?"

Douma nodded quickly. "S-sorry Gyutaro."

He nodded and took the empty seat next to Daki.

Yn didn't know what to think of everyone. Compared to how they acted and how strong they seemed, he felt really small. He silently began to eat his food.

Daki smiled and took a piece of food from his box, taking a bite. She smiled and leaned on him. "Who made this? It's so good."

"I-I did." Yn mumbled, smiling slightly.

Daki squealed with happiness and looked at her brother. "He can cook too!"

Gyutaro shrugged and continued eating.

Daki crossed her arms. "We'll at least Yn in paying attention."


Yn stepped out of the school building with his bag in hand, beginning to walk home when he felt two arms wrap around one of his, followed by a smile from Daki. "Let's walk home together."

Yn blushed and nodded. "Okay...."

Daki smiled and waved at her friends as you guys left the area.

Yn watched her a bit. She really was super pretty. Almost like an angel.

A few moments past and Daki turned, catching Yn staring. She giggled. "Hm?"

Yn looked to the side a bit, a blush, once again, appearing on his face. "You're really pretty...."

Daki smiled and stopped, holding Yn's hand. "Thank you. People tell me all the time, but it kinda feels special coming from you."

Yn smiled slightly. "You're welcome."

It went silent for a moment before Daki stepped towards Yn, kissing him.

Yn's face turned the darkest shade of red possible and he froze, not knowing what to do.

Daki pulled away and smiled, giggling at him a bit. "You're really shy aren't you?"

Yn nodded slightly.

Daki nodded and smiled at the ground, kissing Yn on the cheek and then running in the opposite direction. "See you tomorrow Yn!"

Yn stayed frozen, feeling his cheek after a moment, then walking home. No way....

After that, every day seemed to get a little better. Daki would walk home with him almost every day, and helped bring out a bit more of a social side he didn't know he had. He loved her for it. They started dating not even a week after she had kissed him.

A real dream come true.


I love this, but I didn't know if it was a modern adult AU or a school one 😅
Yes, I made Daki really sweet in this, but come on, when you're around someone special you kinda melt am I right?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, see ya in the next chapter!

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