Inosuke X Reader(Requested 🙃🙌)

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You had been walking around the woods for a long time. Lost. It's the best word that anyone could use in your situation. You couldn't remember which way you had come from, and what made it worse was that it was dark out. You could only take a few steps before tripping over rocks and tree roots.

"I'm getting tired of this...." You mumbled, close to tears. You took a step, once again tripping over a tree root that stuck up from the ground. On the way down, your hand got tangled in a few brambles, a few stabbing into your skin and making you bleed.

As you struggled to remove your hand, tears streaming along your cheeks, you heard rustling in a bush behind you. You turned a bit, seeing a figure there, the shadows covering their face. You could make out a bit of blood on their cheek, a small bang slipping out as they smiled.

No! You thought, ripping your hand out of the brambles and getting up. Not a demon! You began to run, being caught in only a matter of seconds.

"Someone help!" You screamed as you were thrown against the ground. The demon's jaw unhinged as it leaned over you, revealing an array of pointed teeth.

"No!" You cried, closing your eyes and blocking your face with your arms.

You heard the sound of slicing, along with a thump on the ground next to you a moment afterwards. You opened your eyes, meeting the eyes of a disintegrating demon who, moments before, had been about to devour you.

You looked around, seeing a boy with a boar head mask on. He seemed to look at you for a moment, then started walking away, flinching and holding his side. He was bleeding. He flicked some of the blood from his hand and started walking like he wasn't hurt.

"Hey." You said in a shaky voice.

He ignored you.

You got up and followed. "You're hurt." You barely touched his shoulder as he turned to you.

"So what if I'm hurt? It's not gonna bother me!" He laughed through the mask.

"It might get infected. It could kill you." You said, reaching into your pockets. You pulled a small bit of bandage you had out and reached to wrap it around him. He stepped back, making you lean forward and trip. You sat up slightly and looked at him. "I'm just trying to help."

"And what if your hand there gets infected?" He asked, pointing at your, still bleeding, hand.

You held it. "I'll be fine...."

You heard a rustle again a bit far away and looked back, suddenly being picked up by the boy. "Let's get outta here." He said, starting to run.

"Y-you're gonna fall, be careful!" You panicked, holding onto him.

"I ain't gonna do nothin! I'm getting us out of this forest." The boy said. You could pick up on a voice that came from a smile.

"You're happy right now? We could both die." You said.

"Won't let it happen."


You were sitting by a fireplace, the logs crackling and popping as they burned. The boy had found an abandoned house and brought you inside. He'd gone off somewhere.

I want the sun to hurry up and rise.... And I'm never going back into that forest again. You thought, watching the flames.

The door opened quickly, followed by the boy's voice as he removed his mask and tossed it to the side. "I can't figure out where they all went, it's like they're scared of me." He smiled.

You stared at him a bit. What a cute face....

He noticed and put his guard up. "What?"

"Nothing...." You said trailing off as your eyes moved to his wound again. "Please let me clean it at least."

He looked at it for a moment and sighed, walking over and sitting down. "Fine."

You felt his side a bit and looked around, seeing a bucket that had been overflowing with water, dripping from the ceiling. You brought it over and tore a piece of your skirt off, soaking it and starting to clean the blood away.

You noticed the boy flinching a bit.

"Are you alright?"

"Of course I am! Nothing bothers me!" He crossed his arms.

You nodded. "What's your name?"


You nodded. "I'm Yn." You said as you wrapped his side.

He repeated it, thinking. "Nice name."

"Thank you." You said, moving back over to the fire when you finished.

Inosuke looked at the wrap on his side. "Where'd ya learn how to do that so well?"

You shrugged slightly. "Just... where I came from, you kinda had to know how." You said, thinking of certain people in town who seemed like demons. Just without claws and vangs.

Inosuke nodded and scooted over to the fire. "Warm." He smiled.

You smiled back. "I'm glad you found this place."

"No problem." Inosuke said, laying down. Silence went on for a moment. "Is your hand gonna be alright?"

You nodded slightly. "Yeah."

He nodded back, closing his eyes. "Good."

You nodded again and laid down, watching the fire as you fell asleep.


You woke up to someone poking your cheek. You panicked and grabbed their arm, slamming them against the floor, realizing that it was Inosuke.

"Oh, sorry." You said, letting him go. "Are you hurt?"

He sat up, smiling. "That was really fast! Where'd ya learn that?"

You twiddled your fingers and shrugged. "Just, don't stand so close to me when you wake me up please...."

Inosuke nodded and got up, grabbing his mask. "You should meet that butterfly lady."

"Huh?" You asked.

Inosuke smiled and pulled you up. "You patched me up last night. Pretty good at it too. You should come with me to see the butterfly lady."

You nodded slightly and followed him.

(A few months later)

Shinobu had you helping at the butterfly estate. Shortly after meeting you, she asked you to become an assistant of hers.

"Inosuke, again?" You asked, walking into the room. Two other boys were in beds too. A blonde and a red head.

"I'm sorry, Inosuke can't really say anything right now." The redhead apologized.

"It's alright." You said, walking over to the redhead. "Your cuts seem like they're healing already."

He nodded and smiled. "After we heal, it's back to our jobs."

The blonde looked at him. "You're so positive about it Tanjiro! We almost got killed! All three of us!" He cried. His limbs had been shrunken.

You stood up and smiled. "Oh! Blonde, shortened limbs, and always bawling, you're Zenitsu." You giggled. You covered your mouth and blushed a bit with a sheepish smile. "Sorry." You said, walking over to Inosuke.

You felt his hand a bit, smiling as you felt him tighten his around yours. "I hope you heal nicely. And soon. I like hearing you talk."

He nodded slightly and you smiled, getting up. "I'll be back for a check-in later."


Ahem, sorry- anyway, hoped you liked it and that it made your (kinda late by a couple weeks) day!😊

Demon Slayer Oneshots! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang