Tanjiro X Reader (Dancing outside)

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I gasped and bolted upright in bed, wiping tears away from my eyes. I jumped out of bed and ran outside, taking breaths of fresh air. It was raining. I closed my eyes and let the water run down my face and seep through my clothes as I breathed. I started crying again, letting my tears mix with the rain.

"Are you okay? " A voice asked from the door.

I looked over, seeing Tanjiro. He looked concerned.

I just sank to the ground, crying more. I was never going to be okay. My heart was begging me to put it out of its misery. My family was gone. I'm alone and everyone is expecting so much from me. I just wanted to lay there and die.

A set of arms wrapped around me, pulling me close to a body. It was Tanjiro. He had walked over and sat on the ground, hugging me. He held me close to his chest, rubbing my back. "You're upset again."

I buried my face in his chest, continuing to cry.

Tanjiro let me stay like this. After some time, he stood, pulling me up by the hand. He let me lean my head on his shoulder and he just hugged me. "Please stop crying. I know your upset, and I know it hurts, but everything will be alright. I promise."

I wiped my eyes, hugging him back. "I miss them."

"I miss mine too." He said.

We let the silence grow between us while rain fell all around us. As we listened, Tanjiro brought his hand onto mine, the other on my hip. He lightly grinned, stepping back and pulling me with him. I held his hand, and he brought my other to his shoulder. He stepped to the side and turned, and I followed him. I let him lead me around the rocky ground of the estate, and soon stopped crying and was laughing and smiling with him.

Tanjiro lightly kissed my forehead. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too." I whispered.

"What are you two doing out in the rain?" Aoi called from the door.

Tanjiro smiled and led me inside. "Y/N had a nightmare, so we came out here to calm down. Sorry to worry you."

"Are they alright?" She asked.

I nodded a bit.

Aoi nodded and handed us a couple of towels. "Get dried off and go change, and then go back to bed."

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