Part 11

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''area clear, it was just a small gang on our radar.'' Rose reported as she set the complete file onto Fury's desk who looked at her with very little expression but paid close attention to her posture. She stayed semi hunched, her breathing concentrated but her actions pretending nothing was wrong as he took the file from her so she could carry on to her regular assignments.

''you going to tell him?'' Fury asked as she got to the door.

Rose glanced behind her over to him, fingers gripping the door frame as she took another deep breath and shook her head ''it won't take him long to notice.'' And with that, carried on down the hall as if she didn't have the deep gash in her side she pitifully patched up five minutes ago when she arrived.

Loki sat at the computer, continuing his work and looking bored as ever. He couldn't have shot up out of his seat fast enough when Rose got into view and embraced her when she got near.

''at work-'' she reminded through gritted teeth as her body stayed tense with the pressure he placed on her wound she elected to keep hidden.

''I know darling but I am just so happy you are back safe- how was the mission?'' he asked and took a seat, a hand pulling her down gently to the seat right across from him.

She welcomed the seat and hide her pain as she sat and leaned forward with her arms resting on her knees, another tactic to help dull the pain and keep the gash hidden. ''small gang, took care of it and got the area clear. Now we just resume the schedule until the next pop up-''

''small gang? Didn't you tell me you get back up after placing yourself in a safe position?'' he pointed out skeptically as he kept his eyes on her and his fingers began working at the computer keys again. She was grateful he had adopted muscle memory but it did make it hard to not wince while his eyes remained on her.

''it was small, we are trained to handle stuff like that. Fury allows best judgement and back up calls happen when absolutely necessary. Half the job is a team effort but the other half is an individual opportunity.. but Fury said that be all for me today, I'll hang around until your shift is done..''

''alright..'' Loki said slowly, hesitation in his voice as his typing slowed.

''..alright? you're okay with that?..'' she asked as she stared at him unsure, making him chuckle.

''I am to practice trusting you darling, you promised you'd always come back t me no matter what'' he smiled and turned his attention to the compute. ''I shall meet you at your vehicle soon.''

Rose gave a small smile and got up, smiling through the pain and rested a gentle hand on his shoulder before she headed for the break room. He was finally trusting her.. which made her feel guilty about not telling him about her injury but come on, she knew exactly how he would freak out.

She entered the bathroom and allowed herself to wince, taking deep breaths as she slowly and carefully lifted her shirt up and removed the wadded clothes she had placed on her wound. Deep, but not fatal. She carefully cleaned it, hunching over to prevent herself from releasing any sound of pain before she took a wad of toilet paper and set it on her wound before pulling down her shirt. Luckily her uniform was tight fitting so the pressure would hold it before she could properly care for it.

Killing time dying in the break room, she carefully got up and headed for her car, practically collapsing in her seat before she saw Loki coming out and getting into the passenger seat beside her.

''hello darling, I hope you weren't bored waiting to long'' he apologized and leaned over, kissing her cheek lovingly while taking hold of her hand.

She gave a gentle smile and a squeeze of his hand before she placed her keys in the ignition ''not to long, lets head back-'' she let out a yelp when Loki pulled the lever and her seat went back to a laying position, making her clutch her side quickly as she lay back.

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