"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow!" A woman's voice said.

"Perfect!" Elliot said with a happy voice.

"So meet me at the castle at about 2 AM you know close to the spooky hour!"

"Very funny, Ell. I have to miss out on my sleep and still have you make these jokes?"

"You know you love my jokes though."

The woman suppressed a laugh.

"Oh come on now." She responded.

The conversation slowly came to an end and both Elliot and the woman said goodbye to each other. Now Elliot only had to go out to the store and buy some things for the seance. It wasn't even really a seance but it was some sort of ritual to just make the ghost at least somewhat visible and interactable with.

He had to walk for only about 15 minutes to reach the store. It wasn't really long at all and the rain from yesterday wasn't present so Elliot got to walk in fully dry. He got his candles and he also bought a few snacks and stuff because he hadn't really gone to the store in a while. Elliot wasn't even allowed to go to the store for most of his life because it was dangerous but now the only thing anyone cared about was that he didn't quit his job.

After paying Elliot walked out and casually took the same path as usual back home. Some girl tried to secretly follow him home but Elliot wasn't worried considering everyone knows where the king lives. I mean come on he's a king of course everyone does!

Elliot went to the living room and watched a movie while waiting for the time when the woman will show up. It's honestly what he's been doing for about the past week because he hasn't really got anything else to do. For some reason lately, there hasn't been any reason to attend any meetings. Of course, that was a good thing for Elliot but he wondered why considering he ruled a pretty big place. It almost seemed like the laws needed were all passed and most people were satisfied with the world. Perhaps in the year 2093, we finally have peace or most of it.

Elliot checked his phone and noticed that it was now 2:01 AM. Only seconds later he heard a knock on the door. He jumped because he hadn't expected it just then. Elliot then walked over to the door and asked:

"Whos there?"

"It's me, Betty." A woman from behind the door responded.

Elliot opened up the door and greeted Betty. She said "hello" to all of the guards and Elliot grabbed the candles as they both walked up to Elliot's room.

Elliot had barely even been in there to sleep so he didn't like going up there. His blue boots softly walked on the carpet that was on the stairs. He slid his hand gently on the railing with each step he took. Elliot also made sure not to step on his red velvet cape as it too slid up the stairs with him. Past all the bathrooms, game rooms, and just about every room in the castle they finally arrived at Elliot's room and went inside.

It was all trashed and messy as expected and the body was a bit more decayed. Betty also had no idea that Elliot had kept a body up in his room so she jumped and almost freaked out upon seeing it. Elliot quickly attempted trying to explain why its there but I guess it only could make sense to Elliot himself.

Betty tried to stay on the opposite side of the room of the body while Elliot was setting up the ritual in the middle. Elliot somehow managed to buy one extra candle from what he needed so he just set that on his table perhaps for later and then he returned back to set everything up. Once everything was in place Elliot took a lighter out of his pocket and lit every candle in the order that the book said to put it in.

Then Elliot ordered Betty to sit across the ritual candle creation thing from him and they both put their hands on the other persons. They shut their eyes and now it was time to start chanting. Elliot did little peeks from time to time to know what words to say. The words seemed to be in another language that even looked like it was from another world. With every word, they said the candles almost seemed to light up brighter and brighter.

Halfway through the ritual, the door opened and Elliot could recognize that it was Max - Betty's dog. It had apparently tried to look for Betty and found her at Elliot's castle. Those dogs have very good smelling abilities!

The dog panted and even played with some of Elliot's stuff but neither Elliot nor Betty could say a word as that would ruin the ritual and they would have to start all over again. Finally, the ritual ended and Elliot and Betty could fully open their eyes. They let go of each other's hands and stood up.

Elliot slightly jumped upon noticing that he could see a figure by the dead body. He could now see the ghost and it looked rather sad. It had its hand holding the body's hand and it looked like it wanted to cry. Now that Elliot could really touch the ghost he walked up to it and sat down beside it. 

Elliot put a hand on the ghost's thigh.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you." He said.

The ghost looked shocked that Elliot could see him so it just took a moment to stare right into Elliot's eyes.

"It's fine don't worry." It said and smiled at Elliot.

"What's your name?" Betty decided to ask.

The ghost turned its head to Betty and answered with a slight smile.


"Well I like your name," Betty said still freaked out a bit by the whole thing.

"Thank you!" Kai chuckled.

The ghost turned back to Elliot and stared deep into his eyes. Elliot felt a slight flush set on his face but he did manage to get a question out.

"Do you want to be friends?" He asked.

"Sure!" Kai said especially trying to ignore Elliot's past words.

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