New friends, new wingmen

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You walk into your high school where you don't know a mile of people. You know of people and people know of you, but you don't speak.

Every time you walk in, it feels so dark. Empty. Useless. The only reason you ever go to school is because there is this girl you like. Zendaya.

Everyone knows who she is. Everyone loves her but she's never acknowledged you to even be close to friends.

So, you walk around with your head down looking down at the floor while you walk to class. As you walk into class, you sit in the front and this person will not stop kicking your seat.

She's one of Zendaya's friends. How Ironic.

"Okay Bianca, stop kicking my seat. You do it every time I sit in class. Now you need to stop, it's starting to get annoying."

"Does this upset you?" she continues to kick harder and starts pulling on the back of your chair. "Besides, you're sitting in front of me. Deal with it."

"Come on B, leave the new kid alone." You turn your head to the side and see a girl who has long curly hair and she is wearing some jeans with a jacket and a flannel over it.

"Actually, I'm not new." You say quietly and the caramel color skinned girl sits next to you.

"I'm sorry about her. She thinks if she does this, it will irritate people enough to move to the back of the class with the 'bad' kids." She looks over at you.

"Anyways, I'm Ze. I'm a senior, but I failed science, so I had to redo this class.

"I've never seen you before, I assumed you were new." She laughs softly and you tilt your head smiling at her before introducing yourself to her.

"I know who you are, for sure. I'm usually the one who answers all the questions in class, but you won't see me out doing things in public." You both laugh.

You guys talk about the plans for after school and then you guys talk about random topics for the rest of class.

  After school ends, you find Ze outside at her car with B, and a few other people. Ze invited all of you to the skate park after school and you agreed, even though you've never skated a day in your life.

Everyone sits in the car and passes aux around. You deny it every time that it's your time to play a song because you're not sure on how everyone will act to the type of music that you listen too. Everyone has been playing hip-hop and r&b..but you like Alternative.
You guys get to the park. You put your headphones in and walk out of the car sitting at a bench. Ze's friend Evalynne looks at you, "Hey y/n, come skate with us."

You look at her. "Oh, uh I will, just give me a few minutes and I'll go. I just have to text my mom to let her know where I am." She nods and heads to the skate bowl.

About half an hour passes and Eva comes up and sits next to you. "Okay what's the deal?"

You continue to look at your phone with a confused look on your face, "What are you talking about?"

Eva laughs before looking at Ze, "come on, why aren't you skating? Is it because of Ze? Is it because you like her?"

Your eyes widen, "no no, definitely not. I just never skateboarded a day in my life. I said yes I'll come because I have no friends."

Eva starts laughing, "You are so cute, you DO like Zeze, that's why you said yes. I have a pair of extra roller skates in my bag, you can put them on, and I'll skate with you. I'll let you in on everything about her." You smile softly and put the skates on.

You and Eva start skating slowly as she lets you hold on to her, so you don't fall. 

You guys laugh and talk about Ze.

You enjoy this day and you're enjoying the fun, until you slip by tripping over your own foot.

Eva calls out for ze, "ZE, Y/N FELL. COME HERE." Everyone else huddles over you making sure you're okay.

"Here sit down here." Bianca and Eva sit you down on the bench as ze skates to you.

"Eva, Bianca, and Roselie, we'll be leaving early. Go clean up the car."

Everyone argues and Eva shushes them and takes them to the car.

Ze puts an icepack on your cheek and wraps your ankle with some bandage. "You didn't tell me you never skated before."

You sigh in embarrassment, "I know, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to look stupid... but that didn't really go as plan." You laugh a little.

"Ze wipes the dirt off your legs, "We wouldn't have stopped talking to you for that reason. Everyone can learn something. Besides, I invited you, because you never noticed me, even when you started freshman year. Today was the first time you paid any type of attention to me." She stands up grabbing the first aid kit and putting her jacket on your lap.

"Come on, I'm going to take everyone to get food, and then drop them off at home." You go quiet and follow her to her car.


OMG GUYS!!!! Should there be a part 2? There might be?

Authors note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Make sure you vote, and comment. :) Make sure you read my other chapters and tell me anything that would need improvement.

Word Count: 951

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