Teasing is fun, you're just a loser

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(This contains detailed Smut. Please be aware)

So you and your best friend are hanging out. It's just a normal day. You didn't have any plans for the weekend so you guys decided to settle on a movie. It would be quiet so you wouldn't be messed with and then your friend could watch a movie. What could happen?

About 5 minutes or so into the movie, you feel her hand on your thigh. You look at her hand and then look up at her.

"Babe go get us food. I'm hungry. I hate watching stuff without food and you know this." You move her hand off of you and cover up with the blanket. "I'm not your girlfriend Z, stop calling me babe."

"That's not fair. Don't do this to me." She lays over the bed to lay her head on your lap.

"Mmm." You rub her cheek with your thumb and think about it for a second. You could be nice to her and make her happy. Or you could make her frustrated so she takes things out on you.

The second option is definitely way more fun.

"Fine. You stay here." She gets all excited as you stand up to go walk out of the room. "Don't make me wait forever." You smirk walking out of the bedroom.

You go the bathroom and tie your hair into a loose bun. You put on some short outfit you bought from hustlers, and then walk downstairs to get a bowl of fruit and some wine for the both of you. About ten minutes later, you decide to come back.

"Finally you're back. What took you so long." She stands up from the bed walking over to you.

"I was getting food, I told you I wanted food and you didn't get me any. Now move; I want to watch my movie." You try to push past her as she pushes you against the wall.

"Aye now wait." She puts her arm against the wall leaning against you. "You're going to change, and then not even let me see? What the hell."

"I changed because I was HOT! I didn't change for you." You roll your eyes.

"If you think I'm that easy or something, you got me fucked up Daya." You say annoyed as you pick the fruit out of the bowl.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." She grabs the bowl out of your hands.

"Z what the fuck is wrong with you? Give me my food." You start getting annoyed.

She puts the food on the table and cups your face. "I'm talking to you, that means you look at me. Don't be so rude about it baby."

"Stop calling me baby, we're nothing more then friends." You move under her to get away.

"Come on. Why do you hate me? Just give me one kiss." She runs her hand through your hair.

"Friends don't kiss. What the fuck is wrong with you?" You look up at her. "Or maybe you're just nervous because you've never been with a girl."

"I'm not nervous. I don't like girls and YOU know this!" You say getting flustered.

"If you don't like me, kiss me." She moves to the edge of the bed and sits. "Kiss me once."

You look over at her and tilt your head in confusion. "I will never ask for anything else from you. I'll leave you alone." She watches the movie as you stay on the ground.

"You'll never ask for anything else from me?" You  scoot next to the bed looking up to her.

"No. This is the only time. Just one kiss. Then I'll do whatever you want for the rest of the week."

You think about it for a minute. You try to think about if you should tease her now and pull away from her as she kisses you, or if it's a bad idea.

"Okay fine. One kiss." You stand up to be at her height and she smiles sweetly.

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