you lose a pet (requested)

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You dragged your feet through the door as you returned to your shared home with Taylor following right behind you.

There were tear stains on your cheeks and an ache in your heart like you'd never felt before.

You could hardly breathe through the sobs that continued to fall from your lips.

Not having the energy or strength to climb the stairs to the bedroom, you walked to the sofa through the blur of your tears before sitting down on one of the cushions.

You felt a deep sadness inside your heart. You can't seem to remember the last time you felt so devastated or so hurt.

This morning has been terrible for you.

The loss of your sweet, precious dog was unexpected and it hit you hard.

It's been traumatic and you're struggling to cope as you continue to wish repeatedly that this was some sort of horrible dream that you'd be able to wake up from soon.

But it wasn't.

Taylor sat down next to you a moment later with a glass of water in her hand.

"I got this for you. I thought your throat might be dry or you might be thirsty." She spoke quietly.

You could hardly see the glass because of the tears blurring your vision.

You didn't reach for it so Taylor just put it down on the table wordlessly.

She tried to think of the words to say but there weren't any coming to her mind.

She knows there's not much she can say to make you feel better because of how hurt you feel and understandably so.

She put her hand on yours and her soft, comforting touch made another tear fall down your cheek.

"He was my best friend."

Taylor didn't say anything, she just let you speak.

"I can't remember a time that he wasn't there for me. When I needed comfort, he would jump on my lap and lay with me. He always licked me and cheered me up and made all of my bad days better."

Your lip trembled and she almost fell apart watching you fall apart.

"What do I do without him?"

She swallowed the lump appearing in her throat.

"I loved him so much." You cried.

"I know you did, darling." She said. "I'm so sorry."

You had your dog before you even met Taylor and the way you talked about him before you became official and were just starting to get to know each other, she learned that he was your everything.

He was old but he never once lost his spirit or his love for life or his love for you.

He was spoiled with love every single day of his life.

He was your whole world and you always treated him as that.

"I knew the day would come but it hurts so much. I don't know what to do without him. I had him since I was young. He was my best friend." You sniffled.

She pulled you into her arms and held you tight as you sobbed against her chest, tears soaking through her shirt.

"I know it hurts." She whispered. "I know it's hard and you don't know what to do. But he's in a better place now and he's watching over you, looking down on his favorite human in the world."

She rubbed your back soothingly as you tried to catch your breath, the tears never stopping.

"He's eating an endless supply of treats, playing with toys and other sweet dogs." She comforted. "He loved you so much. He knew he was the luckiest dog in the world because he lived a wonderful life with you and he knew he was loved every single second of it."

You looked at her with red eyes as tears continued to fall down your cheeks.

"He's always going to be there in your heart. You'll never lose him if you're scared of that happening. He's going to be part of you forever. He'll watch over you and love you forever and ever."

"I'll always love him too." You sniffled as she wiped your tears.

You put your head back against her chest and continued to cry, wishing that you had him back.

You knew Taylor was right.

You knew he'd always be with you.

But, for now, it hurts too much and you need to grieve more than anything.

And while you do, Taylor will be there to hold you every second of it and she wouldn't leave your side.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now