7 || bruces house

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as i said in my other book, probably no updates for a while since theres a hurricane comin 😍😍😍 but ill try to write some chapters beforehand so i can publish the missed ones!
(also sorry i didnt post yesterday lmao)


At lunch, you sat down next to Laura, pushing your hair out of your face. You pulled out a sandwich from your backpack (you had started packing your own lunches, since Laura explained that all the food here was disgusting no matter what day) and started peeling open the plastic.

Laura smiled, her mouth stuffed with food and you chuckled.

"Hey, Laura, Bruce invited me and a couple of his friends to go to the roller skating rink tonight. Do you wanna come?" You asked, sinking your teeth into the sandwich.

She nodded quickly, swallowing her food. "If I didn't know any better I'd probably assume this was a date," she grinned, her brown eyes sparkling with something mischievous.

You shook your head. "Its not a date," you sighed, "he invited me to go with him and his friends. It'd be a date if it was just me and him- no, it still wouldn't, thats just two friends hanging out!"

Laura giggled. "You know you wish it was a date."

You chuckled and looked away. You didn't need to answer for her to know it was true.


Laura pushed herself off the window of her moms truck, blowing her a kiss. She'd asked if she could hang out with you, not telling her about Bruce and his friends for pretty obvious reasons, and turned to you.

She grinned excitedly and stuck two thumbs up, pulling the elastic off her wrist and tying her hair up with it. It was a messy, like usual. She never put much effort into simple things, and you appreciated that about her.

She fell into step beside you, skipping happily. "When are we meeting them?" She asked, pulling a small bag of candy out of her pocket (thats another thing about her- she always had the most random things with her) and offered you one. You accepted, placing the small candy on your tongue. "At 4."

After a few minutes of walking and talking, you pushed open the fence of your house. Laura looked around, staring in awe.

"You live in this place? You must be rich, man!" She said, spinning in her place.

You chuckled. "I'm not rich- I'm just pretty wealthy. My dad always buys bigger houses to make it up to me, since we're always moving."

Laura nodded, still looking around the house. You pushed open the front door and kicked off your shoes, encouraging Laura to do the same.

"I'll be right back," you said, rushing up the stairs to your dads room. You pushed open the door.

"Hey dad," you said, "I'm going to the roller skating place with Laura, Bruce and a couple of his friends, is that okay?"

"Yeah," he said, sitting up and picking up his wallet. "Uhh... heres $20, spend it on whatever," he handed you the bill, "how long will you be gone?"

"I don't know," you replied, taking the money, "probably a couple hours. Thank you, I love you!"

He said he loved you back and you closed his door, rushing downstairs. Laura stood around, looking at the photos you had hung up.

There was some of your mom, you and your dad, all 3 of you, and lots of the friends you had from other places. You hated looking at those photos, but your dad insisted you kept them hung up. You didn't like to think of all the people you'd lost from moving.

She turned, jumping when she saw you. "Shit, you're back," she said, placing a hand over her heart.

"Yeah," you said, shoving the money in your pocket and checking the time. "It's 3:52, shit. C'mon, lets go to Bruce's." You said, heading out the door with Laura trailing behind you.

You arrived at his house, knocking quickly. Bruce opened the door with a wide grin. His hair was messy, and he wore a green shirt with a black sweater over top, a pair of denim jeans reaching just above his converse. He looked fine as hell, but he usually did, so it wasn't much of a surprise.

"Hey!" He said, his eyes shining, "come in, I'm glad you guys made it."

We stepped inside, sitting down on his couch and waiting. One of his friends showed up, a guy named Ryan with long black hair and freckles, and then...

Oh no.

Then Alan came inside, locking eyes with you.


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