5 || arcade games

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vance centric 😈😈 im tryna give them all equal screentime or whatev! also sara STOP READING
also i need yalls thoughts. so i came up with this idea a while ago and its basically like, vance dies and shit everything that hapepned in tbp happened but then like years later (and by years later i mean like 1990's) reader comes in and accidentally wakes up vance somehow, like literally hw comes back to life. anyways if i started writing that would yall read?? 🤭


It was Tuesday, right after school. The sun was still shining and you'd been home for not 20 minutes before your dad was asking you to go out. You needed butter, apparently for a 'surprise' he was making for the woman next door (not Bruce's mother, your other neighbour, a lady the same age as your father with a short black bob and piercing blue eyes, named Amanda). You knew he was crushing on her, and although it was weird at first, you knew it was good that your father had finally started to fully get over your mother.

You took his money and left, slipping on a black jacket and leaving. The cool September air was refreshing compared to the blazing heat of the last two weeks you were here.

You walked to the Grab n' Go with high spirits, planning to buy yourself a treat along with the butter, and you had almost forgotten who frequented the Grab n' Go- until you stepped inside and saw him, of course.

Vance Hopper stood at the pinball game, as usual, and he had an angry look while he looked close to beating his high score. You avoided him as best you could and grabbed the butter, along with a chocolate bar and candies.

After paying, you put the butter in your jacket pocket (probably a bad idea, but who really cares?) and walked up, leaning against the wall next to the pinball machine and watching Vance play. You noticed he was far prettier than you'd thought, and wondered why every guy in this town had such good genes.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

Startled, you realized you'd been zoned out on his face. Vance had beaten his high score, you noted, glancing at the machine.

"Oh." You peeled open the chocolate bar wrapper. "I was watching you play, duh."

Vance frowned. "Why? The fuck do you want?"

You raised your eyebrows. Why'd he instantly think you wanted something from him? "Dunno, I'm bored, I guess. Good job on beating your high score, though," you said, walking past him and patting him on the back. You quickly left the store, taking a bite out of the chocolate.

You heard quick footsteps and turned your head. Vance had followed you out of the store, looking anywhere but you while he trailed after you like a lost puppy.

"Hi?" You said confused, picking off a piece of chocolate and eating it.

"Shut up," Vance mumbled and you laughed. You weren't sure why he followed you, considering he'd been nothing but mean to you so far, but you enjoyed the company nonetheless.

"And why are you walking with me?" You asked, offering him a piece of chocolate. He took it begrudgingly.

"Because I felt like it... besides, I wanna see what kind of shithole you live in." He kicked rocks with his scuffed shoes, and although his words were mean, you could tell he didn't mean it. Or at least, hoped he didn't mean it.

"Alright... hey, is there any cool places here? Like an arcade or something? So far it's boring." You brought the chocolate to your lips and glanced at him.

He thought for a moment. "We have an arcade a couple blocks from here. Its pretty cheap, but the games are pretty ass. We have a roller skating rink too, but that place sucks."

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