4 || put me in a movie

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yall ever just look out a window and the clouds are like racing past bc im looking out one rn and they are literally flying past the window

also ik adding ocs is pretty cringy but its for the sake of the story, i have a reason mwahhaha 😈

A few more awkward classes later and it was finally lunch. Laura met up with you outside your class (after exchanging schedules of course), and she walked you to the cafeteria.

You sat down next to her at an empty table. The cafeteria was packed, and you picked at the strange 'food' that the lunch lady had given you. It didn't look like food at all, more like a pile of mush or... maybe vomit.

"So," Laura said, pushing her tray away in disgust, "you never told me the name of the other people you met?" She pulled out a sandwich from her bag and offered you half, but you refused.

"Well," you started, resting your elbows on the table, "my neighbour is Bruce, Bruce Yamada, and then-"

"Woah woah," Laura gaped at you. "Your neighbour is Bruce Yamada? How can your life be any more perfect?"

You laughed. "It is far from perfect," you sighed, "but yeah, I guess I am lucky to have ended up here. I don't hate this place like I've hated other places I've lived in."

Laura nodded thoughtfully. "Speaking of, what other places have you lived in?" She seemed interested.

"I lived in Toronto, New York, a couple other places... but I just moved from Seattle. I've moved my whole life, basically, since my dad has some stupid job." You replied, picking at your nails.

"Shit, you've been like, everywhere!" Laura took a bite out of her sandwich. "Do you know any other languages from moving places?" Her voice was muffled.

"First off, swallow your food first," you laughed, "and I only know a little bit of Spanish. I never really had time to learn anything else."

Laura nodded. "Thats awesome. You're like, super fucking cool."

"Thanks, you too."


School was finally over and you met Laura outside of the doors. She let her hair down and she lacked the jewelry she was wearing earlier.

"Hey! I just got out of gym, and God I hated it."

You laughed and shook your head. "Yeah, gym is ass. Hey, before I leave, can I get your phone number?"

Laura nodded and pulled out a paper and pen. She scribbled some numbers on it and handed it to you. "I gotta go, my moms waiting for me, but I'll see you tomorrow, N/N!"

You waved bye and watched her run towards a car. You turned and started walking back home when a voice called out your name, one you didn't recognize but enjoyed none the less.

Turning around, the boy from math class ran up to you. "Hey," he said, out of breath from chasing after you, "I'm Robin. I'm Finney's friend, I sit next to you in math."

You smiled at him and nodded. "Hey! Yeah, I remember you. I'm glad you came up to me, I wanted to introduce myself earlier but I didn't get a chance- it's nice to meet you."

Robin smiled and nodded, looking down at his beat-up converse. "Uh," he started, "so, what movies do you like?" He looked up at you (his eyes were pretty, like dark chocolate and black coffee, and they sparkled, too).

You hummed, thinking to yourself. You'd never watched many movies. Before your mom died, you, your dad and your mom would all sit in the living room every Sunday and watch a movie. You never picked, you just watched whatever was playing that night. Always after your mom got back from her shitty job at the local diner, where she'd come back sweaty and tired, smelling like expensive liquor and hairspray, which was okay considering her nice pay check and hefty tips. You never missed a move night, even if the movie was R-rated.

After a minute of thinking, you found an answer. "I like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, though I haven't watch it in forever." Robin's face lighted up and he beamed at you.

"Seriously? Thats my favourite movie!" He seemed so excited over something as simple as a movie, and you couldn't help but smile too.

"Really? Thats awesome! I guess we have similar taste in movies."

He nodded. "Yeah..." he trailed off for a moment, then continued, "you know, my uncle takes me to the drive-in every weekend. They're playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Saturday, maybe you could stop by and we could go together? I'll buy the snacks, of course."

Your smile widened and you nodded. "Yeah, man, I'd love to! Here," you pulled out a piece of paper and started writing, "that's my number. Sorry if my dad answers. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Robin nodded and you waved, opening the gate to your house and walking up the steps to head inside. You turned for a moment to watch him walk away, before heading inside.

You slipped off your shoes and dropped your bag on the floor, heading into your living room and flopping down on the soft couch. You almost instantly passed out.


"Sweetie, I'm home!" The familiar voice of your dad called, and you quickly sat up. "Hey dad," you said, stretching and leaning back. "How was work?"

"It was good," he said, slipping off his shoes, "and don't think I don't know that you passed out on the couch, young lady. If I catch you doing that again I hope you're ready for the cold bath you'll get."

You laughed, remembering the time he did wake you up like that, dumping freezing water on your head. You ignored him for a week afterwards, but caved when he offered to buy you your favourite ice cream flavour.

"Sorry, dad, I was tired." Your dad chuckled and headed to the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing a can of soda.

"How was your first day?" He asked, pulling the tab with a crack and taking a sip.

"It was good," you said, standing and running a hand through your hair, "I walked with Bruce, and met a few people. Bruce's friend Finney, Finney's sister Gwen, a guy in my math class- Robin, can I go to the drive-in with him Saturday?- and this girl Laura. I sat with her at lunch, she's funny."

Your dad paused for a moment and stared at you in shock. "Go to the drive-in with a boy in your class? Y/N, you've been at this school for a week and you already have a date? Jesus!"

You blushed and shook your head. "No! Dad, it's not a date! He offered since we both like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and who wouldn't want free food and a movie?"

Your dad laughed and shook his head. "Keep telling yourself that... well, I'm gonna have a nap, I'm tired. And yes, you can go on a date with that boy."

Before you could respond, your dad left the room, leaving you with pink cheeks and an empty soda can. You mumbled curse words to yourself and threw out the can, picking up your bag and heading upstairs.

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