12 || movie night

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i had a random urge to start writing this again so here i am. sorry for inaccuracies i didnt reread and i havrnt updated since oct 2022 💔

Robin's room was nothing like you'd imagined, though you had nothing particular in mind.

It was neater than you'd expected (you did see the clothes shoved haphazardly under his bed, though), with a big bed and many posters all over the walls.

You noticed one poster, a high-quality Enter the Dragon poster with a small rip in the side. You had wanted to watch that movie for a while.

Robin watched you take in his room, fiddling with the sleeves on his shirt. You looked back at him after a moment and grinned.

"I love your posters, Rob. But a The Godfather one? Seriously? I don't know why people like that movie so much, its trash."

Robin looked wildly offended, staring at you in shock. "I know you did not just call The Godfather a trash movie. Its one of the greatest movies of all time, thank you!"

You laughed, watching the angry look on his face; you didn't think he'd get that upset about a movie, but it was kind of funny how he reacted.

"I'm just kidding." You said reassuringly, patting his shoulder. You walked past him and sat on his bed.

It was soft and bouncy, and you slightly envied him- his bed was amazing, much better than yours. The dark red covers were soft and you could tell they were heaven to sleep on.

You looked up at him, smiling when you caught him staring. "Where the hell did you get this bed? I swear I've never felt anything softer." He laughed at your remark, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"No clue," he said, walking forwards and seating himself next to you, "but I love it. If I'm being honest, though, I think my uncle must've pulled some strings to get it— there's no way this is sold at normal stores."

You laughed, running a hand through your hair and leaning back on your arms. You let your gaze move towards his desk, taking note of the sketchbooks.

You turned and faced him, surprised.

"I didn't take you for an artistic guy, but I guess you are," you grinned, "am I allowed to see your masterpieces, or have I not hit that level of friendship yet?"

He laughed, cheeks red in embarrassment, and patted your shoulder. "Not yet, Y/N."


You were splayed out on Robin's bed, him at the foot of it, sitting up against the wall while your leg rested on his lap.

"No, I'm telling you man, Mary Poppins is actually a sick movie. Childish my ass, it's got meaning behind it."

Robin rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically. "Like I'm taking movie recommendations from someone who hates The Godfather. You're twisted."

You pushed yourself up to lightly smack his arm and he laughed, you both smiling at each other. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, the door was pushed open to reveal his uncle.

"You two, c'mon— the movies on soon," he said, turning and heading towards the door. You and Robin quickly got up, him pulling on a jacket and you wishing you had brought one, and you two exited his room, not without you seeing a glimpse of a paper on his desk; a drawing of you, smiling.

Robin held the front door open for you and you thanked him, hurrying out and getting in his uncles car.

The ride was silent once more, only taking around ten minutes to get there, and Robin's uncle handed him a $5 bill for you two to go and get snacks. You picked out two bags of popcorn, large ones at his insistence, and two cans of soda— unnamed brand ones with vague flavour descriptions— and headed back to the car.

Robin's uncle sat in the back of the car, working on something you couldn't make out.

"Don't worry about him, he's some mechanic or something," Robin said, grinning at you, "but this means we get to watch the movie on the hood of the car."

You watched him pull himself up, taking your snacks and then your hand to pull you up. You took note of how warm his hand was.

When you settled on the hood of the car, he handed you your popcorn and drink. The movie started with credits, showing off a shitty movie that was desperately trying to get reviews. The two of you laughed at the acting.

When the movie finally started, you barely took notice of how Robin shifted closer to you. You jumped several times throughout it, Robin not even seeming to notice it.

Halfway through, though, you took your hands from your half-eaten bag of popcorn to subtly wrap around your own arms. You were cold, and you really wished you hadn't decided to not bring a jacket.

Robin noticed, though, and shrugged his jacket off. He placed it over your shoulders and you turned to look at him, smiling.

"Thanks, Robin," you said quietly over the movie, "and start reacting to the movie, I swear you must be desensitized to everything. I don't think you've even blinked once."

He laughed, shaking his head. "You don't know how many times I've seen this movie, Y/N, it doesn't bother me anymore. But I don't mind how scared you get, it's cute."

You flushed red, thankful for the red light coming from the screen, and mumbled a 'shut up'. He chuckled quietly.


You pulled up in front of your house, and you noticed that there was no lights on, signalling your dad had a late shift. Robin had been sitting in the back with you this time, you two making conversation about how much you enjoyed the movie and how you should do it again.

"Alright, see you on Monday, Y/N," Robin said with a smirk, holding his jacket in his lap, "hopefully we can do this again."

You nodded, saying your farewells with a wide smile. Walking up to your doorstep, you watched his car drive away, thinking about your interactions tonight.

Your mind drifted to the drawing of you, somehow making you look gorgeous whilst still being incredibly accurate.

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