6 || science seats

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i was tryna think of all the tropes in this ff and i thinkkk these are them
finney - friends to lovers
robin - friends to lovers
vance - frenemies to lovers
bruce - she fell first, he fell harder
btw another reminder go add my other book to ur reading list its called awakening omgomg


Vance had walked you home last night. It wasn't too late, but you appreciated it nonetheless.

You waved bye to him when you got home, gave your dad a kiss, changed and immediately went to bed. You were tired from the day and didn't want to think about that guy any longer.

The next morning you put on your outfit for the day and headed off to school. Bruce must've gotten a drive or something today, since you didn't see him when you left- which left Gwen and Finney to walk with you.

"Hey Y/N! Where's Bruce?" Finney asked, walking next to you. He wore a blue and white shirt today, and it looked good on him.

"I wish I knew," you said sheepishly. "He might've gotten a drive or something."

"Thats alright, now its just us three!" Gwen said. There was a hint of something in her voice, and you had a feeling that she thought there was something more between you and Finney.

Throughout the walk, you guys talked about random things; what you did yesterday, your favourite movies, anything. By the time you got to school, you felt much more comfortable with the pair than you had before.

You waved to Gwen and Finney, heading to your locker. You noticed Vance didn't seem to be here today, but thought nothing of it. You opened the cold steel locker and put your books inside, leaving a couple. You turned and headed towards Science; this was your first Science class of your year here.

Stepping inside, the first person you noticed was Finney, sitting alone at the back of the class. Then you noticed Alan, sitting at the front of the class, staring at you.

You walked as quickly as you could to the seat next to Finney, placing your books down and smiling at him. His cheeks flushed pink and he grinned.

You noticed Alan staring at you and talking to his friends, but you ignored it. If Finney noticed he didn't say anything.

After a while the teacher came in, shushing the class. She took attendance, then quickly switched subjects.

"So, class," she said, "we have a science assignment this year. Whoever you sit beside will be your partner for the rest of the year! No, you aren't changing."

A few groans were heard, but for the most part everyone was happy. You just might've been the happiest.

You turned and flashed a wide smile at Finney, looking back at the teacher while she droned on about cells or something. You weren't really listening.

Halfway through class, you took Finney's hand and pulled it towards yourself, pulling out a pen and starting to draw. You just drew simple doodles, unaware of the boys reaction.

He froze, turning red and staring at you. You looked peaceful, happily doodling away on his hand, and he didn't have the heart to stop you. Besides, he liked it. He tried to ignore the butterflies he got, though.


You walked out of class with Finney. You noticed how his hair bounced with each step.

"So I guess we're partners for the rest of the year," Finney said. "Better than having to be partners with some random kid."

You nodded. "Yeah, I think I would've rather been slowly torn apart limb by limb than have to be partners with someone I've never spoken to before."

Finney looked at you, disturbed, and then you two both laughed. You kept laughing until you reached your locker, where you leaned against it and sighed.

"That was fun, Finn. I'll see you later?"

He blushed at the nickname and grinned. "Yeah, see you later," he said, and turned around, leaving. You pushed yourself off your locker and turned, jumping when you came face to face with Bruce.

"Jesus Christ Bruce, don't do that!" You laughed. Bruce smiled and apologized.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to the roller skating rink with me tonight? Me and a couple of my friends are going. You can take someone else if you'd like, we're meeting at my place at 4." He leaned against Vance's vacant locker and smiled at you, and your heart skipped a beat. Your face felt warm.

"I'd love to," you said, "I'll ask Laura if she wants to come. Thank you, Bruce, I'll see you then!" You smiled, holding your books to your chest.

Bruce bit his lip and grinned. "Awesome, I'll see you there."

He left and you leaned back against your locker. You swore that man got more perfect every day.

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