The best part

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one month later

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one month later

"Ready?" Eric asks.

"Yeah, can you help me zip my suitcase?" I ask.

He nods and kneels on the floor to stuff my overpacked bag. It's been a little less than a month since I applied to the program Serafina told me about. Not a single email or anything from them, so I've given up.

But considering that 'giving up' means moving to Korea with my boyfriend to his pre-paid apartment... yeah, sounds pretty good to me. We decided to go early, so that we could get settled and everything for Eric's new job.

So far the most heartbreaking part of moving has been saying goodbye to JJ and Ivy. "LA will miss you both." the blond had said, and Ivy refused to let us see her cry so much that she ushered us out of her house.

"Oh, hey I think there's something for you on the kitchen table." Eric nods towards the other room.

"Hm? But we packed everything already."

"Go check."

"What did you do?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Would you trust me?" He laughs.

I stand up and I go into the kitchen, for the last time. On the table is a book. I pick it up. It's the book from the library all those weeks ago, the one about marine biology that I just couldn't put down.

"I know it feels like a lost cause." Eric says from behind me. "And I know it's disappointing that you never heard back. But more than anything, I don't want you to lose that spark."

I feel myself choking up and I hold the book close to my chest.

"Thank you." I say quietly. "And I won't, lose the spark. This is what I love, and it doesn't just go away."

He nods. "You wanna head out? We're a few hours early but there will be traffic."

"Sure," I say. I grab my backpack and we head out of the apartment.

"You feel good?" He asks as I shut the door. "This is kinda like your last connection with Crew. And you're saying goodbye."

"Goodbye forever," I knock on the door happily.

The Uber pulls into the driveway and we haul our backs into the trunk.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him as we begin towards the airport.

"No, actually. I'm excited." He says. "Are you?"

"I'm excited." Saying that sort of feels like a lie.

My phone rings and I take it out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I ask.

"ROWEN" Serafina yells.

"Um, hi?" I ask. There's so much noise behind her I can barely hear her clearly. "Where are you? Why is it so loud?"

"I'm at the airport. I'm about to leave to Canada BUT." She yells. "Girl you got in!"

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