Summer cleaning

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Waking up next to someone in bed is not something I'm used to

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Waking up next to someone in bed is not something I'm used to. Eric is still sleeping. His red hair is ruffled against the pillow where his head is resting, and his bare arm is draped over my hip.

I remember our conversation from last night--the awkward one about sharing a bed. I was surprised because Crew and I had never shared a bed even when we'd been dating for years. But I was so exhausted last night that I didn't even notice him throwing off his shirt before laying beside me, although it was nice knowing someone was there. For once I didn't feel lonely.

I hear a familiar beep of my phone. And not the normal beep when I get a text, but the special one. The special ringtone I set up specifically for when Crew texts me, because back then I was obsessed with making my whole life about him and making him feel like he was the light in my life. And yet, he never returned that feeling.

I jolt awake, and I sit up, the morning tiredness gone.

Eric groans and tightens his grip on my waist as he pulls me closer to him.

"Don't leave yet," He says in a tired voice, and he refuses to open his eyes as I lay back down facing him.

I reach up and brush some hair off of his forehead, the magenta hair that I like so much.

At that, he opens his eyes and his brown orbs warm my heart. he immediately smiles when he sees me, and also for the first time, I think my feelings are completely reciprocated.

"Good morning," He says, and he runs his hand up my back.

"Hi," I say.

"I don't know why, but I'm really excited to see you right now," He says.

"You thought I was going to run off in the night?" I ask.

"Maybe," He says. "I thought it was too good to be true."

"It's real," I assure him.

"I think I owe you a fair warning thought."


"Because I've never really been a good boyfriend before. I think my relationship with Ivy didn't really count, and obviously hookups don't either. But i wanted you to know that what we have is very different." he explains slowly.

I listen intently and I nod. "I know, I can feel it."

"You can feel it in your bones?"

"No, I can feel it in my heart dummy." I laugh.

Eric grins. "And I'll try my very best."

"I know you will."

"So yell at me if I'm not doing it right okay?" he asks.



"Pinky promise," I hold up my smallest finger and he loops his around mine.

"I forgot you had this," He taps his fingertip on his metal ring on my finger.

"Where did you get it from?" I ask.

"I got it in Korea actually. I went there one summer with my family, and I had the best time working there." Eric says.

"Where did you work?"

"I interned at an elementary school to teach kids english, and there was another boy a few years older than me who was the assistant to translate, and we became such good friends that I almost moved to Korea right then and there so we could teach together." Eric says.

"What was his name?" I ask.

"Juyeon? I think? I haven't contacted him in forever."

"One day when we're not broke lets go to Korea and visit him then," I suggest.

"Good idea," He grabs a hold of my hand.

"I hate to ruin this moment, but I think I got a text from Crew."

"What??" He asks. "What does that bitch want?"

"I don't know, you have to stop telling sweet stories so that I can check," I sit up and I find my phone at the foot of the bed.

Hey. Can you drop the rest of my clothes off? I'll be at the beach entrance by the country club at 1 pm today if you can stop by.

"Shit." I whisper.

"What is it?" Eric sits up as well.

I show him the text and he sighs.

"I should just do it. I should get it over with." I say. "He's gonna need his stuff back eventually."

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?"

"Yes, please," I say.

"Ok, better get dressed then because it's already 12:30." He runs a hand through his messy hair.

"Oh god." I spring up and I run to the other room to pack his stuff in a box.

I know we're going to be late because we take the bikes to the beach so it takes twice as long with all of Eric's screaming and near death experiences in the bike lane.

Finally we see the sand leading into the beach lined with palm trees.

We park our bikes by the gate and I unstrap the box.

"You want me to carry that?" Eric asks.

"Thanks." I hand it to him and he carries it with ease.

But still, with my hands empty, I start to sweat a little bit. My throat seems to tighten as I see his curly brown hair in the distance, leaning against a palm tree.

My stomach ties into knots and I struggle to swallow.

"Ro." Eric stops walking. "You want me to just give it to him?"

"No." I say. "If he's not afraid then why should I be?"

"There she is." Eric continues walking and we stop in front of the tree.

We notice that Crew is talking so someone so I clear my throat to get him to turn around. When he does, he reveals a girl next to him with his arm around her shoulder. She looks at him with such admiration, the kind that I remember. But what really hurts is that he looks at her the same way.

"Hey." Crew says blankly to me.

"Here's your stuff." I hate how weak my voice comes out. Eric drops the box unnecessarily close to Crew's feet.

"Oh, I can't believe how rude I'm being." Crew says. His accent is almost completely gone. "This is Shayla."

I blink. "Um, hi I'm Rowen, and this is-"

"Eric." He interrupts me. "Her boyfriend." I feel his hand slide down my back until it's resting on my waist, and Eric pulls me closer to his body.

"Yes. We've met." Crew says.

"Well I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Shayla." Eric answers.

"It was nice meeting you." I tell the girl and she smiles and nods.

"We've got that lunch date with JJ and Ivy right?" Eric says. "We'd better be going."

"...right." I say.

"Okay, thanks for bringing my stuff Rowen." Crew says.

"Y-yeah." I say. When I don't move, Eric pivots is the other way and we begin walking.

He presses his lips against my forehead and the live comes back to me.

"That took guts." Eric says.

"That might be the last time I ever see him." I say. "And he called me by Rowen. As in, my full name."

"Well good." Eric squeezes my waist lightly. "'Ro' is all mine then."

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